(j3.2006) INQUIRE by output list

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Tue Aug 20 21:18:29 EDT 2013

>The INQUIRE statement form used to determine a record size has the
>syntax form
>   INQUIRE (IOLENGTH=<scalar-int-variable>)  <output-item-list>
>The <output-item> can be a simple variable name.  But the rules for the
>syntax term  <output-item> appear to require that the variable be

Sorry, not seeing it.

"A data object is referenced when its value is required during execution."

So considering an <output-item> that is an <expr> that is a variable name, sure 
the expression produces a value, but the point is that this is not actually 
required for INQUIRE IOLENGTH=, unless the IOLENGTH= result can depend on the 
value produced.  I guess that is actually conceivable, if unformatted i/o writes 
compressed records (I don't know of any such system).  So at worst we have the 
situation that the <output-item> in this context *might* be required to be 
defined, if the processor needs the value.

FWIW, we (NAG) do undefined variable detection, and do not consider this to be a 
case where it is needed to be defined.

Is it worth writing extra syntax (<inquire-item>) to require the processor not 
to need the value here?  I don't think so, especially as it would involve 
duplicating all the <output-item> requirements we actually do want into the new 
<inquire-item>; sounds like a cure worse than the disease.  Others may differ.

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo. 

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