(j3.2006) US-01, US-03, US-08. US-14
Malcolm Cohen
Sun Aug 18 22:30:41 EDT 2013
>I believe all WG5 approved for any work item was the idea,
WG5 approved the requirements. Some of these are perhaps vague enough to be
mere "idea"s, but many are quite clear and specific.
>not any specifications, let alone syntax and edits.
>But I believe any specifications existing were not approved
>by WG5.
I agree. Requirements are not specifications, no matter how specific the
requirements are.
> So we should have specifications proposed,
>then syntax, then edits.
> Edits now may be premature.
At least some of the well-specified proposals will have relatively simple edits,
and these have a good chance of surviving the corrigenda+editorial changes that
are being made. At meeting 202, I see no inherent problem with approving such
Proposals with unclear or undecided specs/syntax, or complicated edits
especially if with complicated interactions with other features or with
corrigenda/editorial changes, are a horse of a different colour. But it would
be a good idea to at least have draft edits by the end of 202, even though these
will need to be redone for the new base document we will have in 203.
For meeting 202 the base document the edits should be written against is
10-007r1. Any interactions with edits in 13-008r1 will need to be handled, i.e.
noted and resolved.
13-008r1 is not yet available... sorry about that, I started it but it got put
to one side; I will resume working on it. In the meantime, 13-008 is not a bad
................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.
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