(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5074) WG5 vote on draft TS on further coarray features

Bill Long longb
Mon Aug 12 00:04:04 EDT 2013

On 7/10/13 9:30 AM, John Reid wrote:
>                          John Reid, 10 July 2013
> This is a WG5 letter ballot on N1983, the second draft DTS for
> TS 18508, Additional Parallel Features in Fortran.
> N1967 has the same content as J3/13-293. It was prepared by the editor,
> Bill Long, following the meeting of WG5 and J3 in Delft. Details of
> the changes made from the first draft, N1967, including ediorial fixes,
> are given in J3/13-294. A list of unresolved technical issues that were
> noticed by the editor while making the new draft is in 13-296. Voters
> are welcome to cite items in that paper.
> The basic requirements were changed during the meeting in Delft and
> are given in N1981, which supersedes N1930.
> Please answer the following question "Is N1983 ready for forwarding to
> SC22 as the DTS?" in one of these ways.
> 1) Yes.
> 2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
> 3) No, for the following reasons.

No. The issues detailed in J3/13-296 need to be addressed.


> 4) Abstain.
> This is an individual vote. Please send your vote tosc22wg5 at open-std.org
> to arrive by 9 a.m. (UK time) on 12 August 2013.

Bill Long                                           longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support    &                 voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development            fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc./Cray Plaza, Suite 210/380 Jackson St./St. Paul, MN 55101

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