(j3.2006) J3/13-297 interp letter ballot #29 after m201 - due 9-Aug-2013

Whitlock, Stan stan.whitlock
Fri Aug 9 17:20:41 EDT 2013

Here is my ballot for interp LB  #29 after m201 13-297 due 9-Aug-2013:

Yes  No   Number     Title

-Y-  ---  F08/0091   Derived type with no components
-Y-  ---  F08/0092   Derived type parameter requirements
-Y-  ---  F08/0093   Process exit status and error termination
-Y-  ---  F08/0094   Procedure statement and double colon
-Y-  ---  F08/0095   Is PRESENT allowed in specification and constant expressions
-Y-  ---  F08/0096   Is VALUE permitted for an array in a BIND(C) procedure?
-Y-  ---  F08/0097   Is the optional comma allowed in TYPE(CHARACTER*...)?
-Y-  ---  F08/0098   How many ACQUIRED_LOCK= specifiers are allowed in a LOCK stmt?


/Stan Whitlock
Intel Corp
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