(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5056) WG5 ballots

John Reid John.Reid
Sun Aug 4 15:47:50 EDT 2013


Please may I remind you that the ballot on N1983, the second draft TS on 
Additional Parallel Features in Fortran, closes at 9 a.m. (UK time) on 
12 August 2013?

Meanwhile, I am now starting the ballot on the latest set of 
interpretations (attached). I delayed this on purpose to avoid the two 
ballots finishing at the same time. This ballot closes at 9 a.m. (UK 
time) on 2 September 2013.

Best wishes,

-------------- next part --------------
                                             ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1988

          WG5 letter ballot 6 on Fortran 2008 interpretations
                      John Reid, 4 August 2013

This is the sixth WG5 vote on a set of draft interpretations for Fortran 
2008. They have all been approved in a J3 letter ballot.  

The rules we operate on say:
--- ---
4. The chair of J3/interp gathers all interp answers that are marked
   "passed by J3 letter ballot" and forwards them to the WG5 convenor.
   The WG5 convenor holds a ballot of individual members; a no vote
   must be accompanied by an explanation of the changes necessary to
   change the member's vote to yes. The answers that pass this ballot
   become "WG5 approved".

   J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for more
   study even if the answer passes.

5. "WG5 approved" answers are processed into a corrigendum document by
   taking the edits from the interp answers and putting them in the
   format required by ISO.  A WG5 vote is made on forwarding the
   corrigendum to SC22.

The following Fortran 2008 interpretations are being balloted:

Yes  No Number     Title

---  ---  F03/0030   IEEE divide by zero
---  ---  F03/0047   Polymorphic arguments to intrinsic procedures
---  ---  F03/0053   The BIND attribute for C_PTR and C_FUNPTR
---  ---  F03/0064   Recursive declaration of procedure interfaces
---  ---  F03/0100   Error in field width for special cases of signed
                     INFINITY output
---  ---  F03/0139   Functions returning procedure pointers
---  ---  F08/0071   Vector subscript target
---  ---  F08/0075   Pointer function reference as variable in assignment
---  ---  F08/0076   Pointer function reference in READ
                     Subsumed by F07/0075
---  ---  F08/0083   Type parameter default expressions allow circular
---  ---  F08/0084   Pointer arguments to PURE functions
---  ---  F08/0085   Problems with PARAMETERs
---  ---  F08/0086   Implied-shape and separate PARAMETER statement
---  ---  F08/0087   Mixed-kind character assignment
---  ---  F08/0088   Can ALLOCATE with SOURCE= have side-effects in a
                     PURE proc?
---  ---  F08/0089   Variable-denoting functions change existing
---  ---  F08/0090   What restrictions apply to initialization and

The text of these interpretations is in N1987.  Each interpretation starts 
there with a row of "-"s.

Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes
column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no"
answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send to

        sc22wg5 at open-std.org

by 0900 UK time on Monday, 2 September 2013, in order to be counted.


-------------- next part --------------

     Interps from 13-006Ar1 after m201 ready for WG5 ballot

               Stan Whitlock, 30-Jun-2013

Here are 16 interps {plus 1 subsumed interp} that have passed J3
letter ballot and are awaiting WG5 ballot.  Our process is to
ballot both the interp that subsumes and the interp that is subsumed.

[keep this text document to 70 characters per line]...................

Table of Contents

Part 0 contains the summary status of all of the Fortran

Part 3 contains active F03 interpretations: F03/0001-0141

Part 4 contains active F08 interpretations: F08/0001...

Part 0: Summary Status of these Fortran Interpretations

Note N:
     d == done {if S = C* | T*, then done is assumed}
     * == active

Status S:                              Defect Type T:
       P == J3 consideration in progress           C == Clarification
       M    Passed by J3 meeting                   E    Erratum
       B    Passed by J3 letter ballot             I    Interpretation
       W    Passed by WG5 ballot
       X    Excluded for the reasons given
       C1   In F2008 Corrigendum 1
       C2   In F2008 Corrigendum 2

N  S T number     title
-  - - ------     -----

*  B E F03/0030   IEEE divide by zero
*  B I F03/0047   Polymorphic arguments to intrinsic
*  B E F03/0053   The BIND attribute for C_PTR and C_FUNPTR
*  B E F03/0064   Recursive declaration of procedure interfaces
*  B E F03/0100   Error in field width for special cases of signed
                   INFINITY output
*  B E F03/0139   Functions returning procedure pointers

*  B E F08/0071   Vector subscript target
*  B E F08/0075   Pointer function reference as variable in assignment
*  X E F08/0076   Pointer function reference in READ
                   Subsumed by F07/0075
*  B E F08/0083   Type parameter default expressions allow circular
*  B E F08/0084   Pointer arguments to PURE functions
*  B E F08/0085   Problems with PARAMETERs
*  B E F08/0086   Implied-shape and separate PARAMETER statement
*  B E F08/0087   Mixed-kind character assignment
*  B E F08/0088   Can ALLOCATE with SOURCE= have side-effects in a
                   PURE proc?
*  B E F08/0089   Variable-denoting functions change existing
*  B E F08/0090   What restrictions apply to initialization and

Part 3: Active Fortran 2003 Interpretation Requests


NUMBER: F03/0030
TITLE:  IEEE divide by zero
KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, divide-by-zero
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


Is infinity / 0.0 a divide by zero exception?
Is NaN / 0.0 a divide by zero exception?

Fortran 2003 defines (in 14.2) infinity / zero and NaN / zero
cases as IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO.  IEEE-754 defines (in 6.1 and 6.2)
those two as unexceptional.


On an IEEE-conformant processor, these cases do not raise exceptions
(see clauses 6.1 and 6.2 of IEC 60559:1989).

The definitions in 14.2 were intended to describe IEC 60559:1989
exceptions with sufficient latitude to allow use on machines that do
not conform to IEC 60559:1989.  However, the definition of
IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO is not consistent with IEC 60559:1989.

Furthermore, the definition of the IEEE_OVERFLOW flag is also not
consistent with IEC 60559:1989, because this exception is not raised
for operations on infinite operands.

Additionally, if the data type is not an IEEE data type, but the
exception is supported, the circumstances under which the exception is
raised are processor dependent.

Edits are provided.

EDITS to 10-007r1:

[403:7-9] Clause 14.3, first paragraph, first bullet (IEEE_OVERFLOW),
  Replace with
  "IEEE_OVERFLOW occurs in an intrinsic real addition, subtraction,
   multiplication, division, or conversion by the intrinsic function
   REAL, as specified by IEC 60559:1989 if IEEE_SUPPORT_DATATYPE is
   true for the operands of the operation or conversion, and as
   determined by the processor otherwise.  It occurs in an intrinsic
   real exponentiation as determined by the processor.  It occurs in a
   complex operation, or conversion by the intrinsic function CMPLX,
   if it is caused by the calculation of the real or imaginary part of
   the result."

[403:10-11] Clause 14.3, first paragraph, second bullet
  Replace with
  "IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO occurs in a real division as specified by IEC
   60559:1989 if IEEE_SUPPORT_DATATYPE is true for the operands of the
   division, and as determined by the processor otherwise.  It is
   processor-dependent whether it occurs in a real exponentiation with
   a negative exponent.  It occurs in a complex division if it is
   caused by the calculation of the real or imaginary part of the

[462:24+] Clause A.2, after the fifth bullet from the end of the clause
  "the extent to which a processor supports IEEE arithmetic (14)",
  Insert new bullet points
  "- the conditions under which IEEE_OVERFLOW is raised in a
     calculation involving non-IEC 60559:1989 floating-point data;
   - the conditions under which IEEE_OVERFLOW and IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
     are raised in a floating-point exponentiation operation;
   - the conditions under which IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO is raised in a
     calculation involving non-IEC 60559:1989 floating-point data;"

SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman

HISTORY: 05-109    m171  F03/0030 submitted
         05-109r1  m171  Revised to include IEEE_OVERFLOW,
                         Passed by J3 meeting
         05-170    m172  Passed J3 letter ballot #11
         N1622     m172  Failed WG5 ballot N1629
         10-238r1  m193  Revised answer - Passed J3 meeting
         11-129    m194  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot
                          #22 10-254
         11-006Ar1 m196  Adjust edits to reference 10-007r1
         N1878     m196  Failed WG5 ballot 1 N1876
         13-246    m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 letter ballot #28 13-255r1


NUMBER: F03/0047
TITLE: Polymorphic arguments to intrinsic procedures
KEYWORDS: polymorphism, intrinsic procedures
DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


The descriptions of the intrinsic procedures often use the term "type"
without qualification.  It is unclear whether they mean "declared
type" or "dynamic type".  If they mean "dynamic type", then this would
appear to allow unlimited polymorphic arguments to intrinsic
procedures like ABS and SIN.  Resolution of generic intrinsic
procedures in this case would create an undue (and likely unintended)
burden on the processor, and the declared type of the result of such a
function call would be unclear as well.

Question 1:
Are the arguments of the intrinsic functions ALLOCATED, ASSOCIATED,
LBOUND, SHAPE, SIZE, and UBOUND permitted to be polymorphic?

Question 2:
(a) Is the ARRAY argument of the intrinsic function CSHIFT permitted
    to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If the argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?  What
    are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 3:
(a) Are the ARRAY and BOUNDARY arguments of the intrinsic function
    EOSHIFT permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If one of these arguments is polymorphic, then must the other be
(c) Do the requirements on their types refer to their declared types
    or dynamic types?
(d) If either argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic? What
    are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 4:
(a) Are the A and MOLD arguments of the intrinsic function
    EXTENDS_TYPE_OF permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If one of these arguments is polymorphic, must the other be
(c) Do the requirements on their types refer to their declared types
    or dynamic types?

Question 5:
(a) Are the TSOURCE and FSOURCE arguments of the intrinsic function
    MERGE permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If one of these arguments is polymorphic, must the other be
(c) Do the requirements on the types of the arguments refer to their
    declared types or dynamic types?
(d) If either argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?
    What are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 6:
Are the FROM and TO arguments of the intrinsic function MOVE_ALLOC
permitted to be polymorphic?

Question 7:
(a) Are the ARRAY and VECTOR arguments of the intrinsic function PACK
    permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If one of these arguments is polymorphic, must the other be
(c) Do the requirements on the types of the arguments refer to their
    declared types or dynamic types?
(d) If either argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?
    What are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 8:
(a) Are the SOURCE and PAD arguments of the intrinsic function RESHAPE
    permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If one of these arguments is polymorphic, must the other be
(c) Do the requirements on the types of the arguments refer to their
    declared types or dynamic types?
(d) If either argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?
    What are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 9:
(a) Are the A and B arguments of the intrinsic function SAME_TYPE_AS
    permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If one of these arguments is polymorphic, must the other be
(c) Do the requirements on their types refer to their declared types
    or dynamic types?

Question 10:
(a) Is the SOURCE argument of the intrinsic function SPREAD permitted
    to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If the argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?  What
    are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 11:
(a) Is the SOURCE argument of the intrinsic function TRANSFER
    permitted to be polymorphic?
(b) Is the MOLD argument of the intrinsic function TRANSFER permitted
    to be polymorphic?
If the answer to (b) is yes:
(c) If the MOLD argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?
    What are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 12:
(a) Is the MATRIX argument of the intrinsic function TRANSPOSE
    permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If the argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?  What
    are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 13:
(a) Are the VECTOR and FIELD arguments of the intrinsic function
    UNPACK permitted to be polymorphic?
If so:
(b) If one of these arguments is polymorphic, must the other be
(c) Do the requirements on the types of the arguments refer to their
    declared types or dynamic types?
(d) If either argument is polymorphic, is the result polymorphic?
    What are the declared and dynamic types of the result?

Question 14:
Are any of the other arguments of any intrinsic procedure permitted to
be polymorphic?


The assertion that it is unclear whether "type" means declared, dynamic,
or both, is misguided.  The general rule is that wherever it makes
sense, it means both.  Where only one meaning makes sense, it means
that one.  Where only one meaning is intended but it would otherwise
not be clear from context, it is qualified as "declared type" or
"dynamic type".

Answer 1:

Answer 2:
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes.  "The result is of the type ... of ARRAY".

Answer 3:
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) The requirements apply to both the declared type and the dynamic
(d) "The type has ... the type ... of ARRAY".  Therefore it is polymorphic
    if ARRAY is polymorphic.

Answer 4:
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) The requirements refer to the declared type; this is explicitly

Answer 5:
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) The requirements refer to both the declared type and the dynamic
    type.  Note that this means that if only one argument is polymorphic,
    it is required to have the same dynamic type as the declared type.
(d) The result characteristics are the "Same as TSOURCE", therefore it is
    polymorphic if TSOURCE is polymorphic.

Answer 6:

Answer 7:
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) The requirements refer to both the declared type and the dynamic
    type.  Note that this means that if either ARRAY or VECTOR is not
    polymorphic, the requirement for type matching means that the
    dynamic type of the polymorphic argument is known.
(d) The result "has the same type" as ARRAY, and therefore is polymorphic
    if ARRAY is polymorphic.

Answer 8:
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) The requirements refer to both the declared type and the dynamic
(d) The result "has the same type" as SOURCE, and therefore is polymorphic
    if and only if SOURCE is polymorphic.

Answer 9:
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) The requirements are explicitly stated to refer to the declared type.

Answer 10:
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes.  "The result is ... of the same type ... as ARRAY.".

Answer 11:
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes.
(c) "The result is of the same type ... as MOLD.".

Answer 12:
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes.

Answer 13:
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes.
(c) The requirements refer to both the declared type and the dynamic
(d) The result has the same type as VECTOR.

Answer 14:




HISTORY: 05-138    m171  F03/0047 submitted - contained the
         05-138r1  m171  Contained the edits, passed by J3 meeting
         05-170    m172  Passed J3 letter ballot #11
         N1622     m172  Failed WG5 ballot N1629
         13-242    m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 letter ballot #28 13-255r1


NUMBER: F03/0053
TITLE: The BIND attribute for C_PTR and C_FUNPTR
KEYWORDS: BIND attribute, C_PTR, C_FUNPTR, private components
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


1. Do the derived types C_PTR and C_FUNPTR have the BIND attribute?

This affects whether an object of one of these types is permitted
directly in COMMON.  C5101 in the Fortran 2008 standard states "If a
common-block-object is of a derived type, it shall be a sequence type
or a type with the BIND attribute and it shall have no default

2. Whether the derived types C_PTR and C_FUNPTR have the BIND
attribute affects whether they are extensible.  Subclause of
the Fortran 2008 standard states "A nonsequence derived type that does
not have the BIND attribute is an extensible type."  Are these types

3. Subclause 15.3.3 of the Fortran 2008 standard states that C_PTR and
C_FUNPTR are derived types with private components. Are user-defined
derived types with the BIND attribute permitted to have private


1. No, these types do not have the BIND attribute.  15.3.3 does not
specify that they have the BIND attribute.  15.3.4 does not require
them to have the BIND attribute in order to make them interoperable.
15.3.5 would require them to interoperate with a C struct if they had
the BIND attribute; this is absurd, since C object pointers and C
function pointers are clearly not structs.

Note that whether these types have default initialization is not
specified by the standard, so possession of BIND would not necessarily
have allowed them in COMMON anyway.

Edits are provided to correct incomplete, and thus misleading,
statements about derived types and the BIND attribute.

2. No, these types were not intended to be extensible.  It was an
oversight that these types were not explicitly excluded from being
extensible by subclause paragraph 1 of the Fortran 2008
standard.  An edit is provided to correct this.

3. Yes, a user-defined derived type with the BIND attribute is
permitted to have private components.  This situation is the same
as for SEQUENCE types, which are similar (but not interoperable).
As with SEQUENCE types, making a component PRIVATE does prevent
access, in a conforming program, to the component by a programmer who
is sufficiently determined; however, it continues to fulfill the
software engineering role for which it was intended.  Note further
that there are many other situations where two different Fortran
derived types will interoperate with the same C derived type; this is
not a defect in either standard, but simply a consequence of the two
languages having different approaches to type compatibility.

EDITS to 10-007r1:

[19:15-16] In,
  replace the definition of "extensible type"
  with "type that may be extended using the EXTENDS clause (".
{Repair definition of extensible type.}

[77:3] In,
  After "A derived type" insert
    ", other than the type C_PTR or C_FUNPTR from the intrinsic module
{Prohibit these types from subsequent extension.}

[431:6] In 15.3.4p1, replace entire paragraph with
  "Interoperability between derived types in Fortran and struct types
   in C is provided by the BIND attribute on the Fortran type."
{Reduce misleading opening blather - this is just here so we didn't
 start the subclause with a bunch of constraints.  Alternatively we
 could move paragraph 2 (and note 15.12) to replace paragraph 1.}

[431:12+2] In 15.3.4, Note 15.11,
  After "is interoperable" insert "with a C struct type".
{Correct another misleading sentence.}

[431:13-18] In 15.3.4p2,
  Change all four occurrences of "Fortran derived type"
  to "derived type";
  change the single occurrence of "Fortran type" to "derived type".
{Remove unnecessary and confusing qualification of "derived type" with


HISTORY: 05-151    m171  F03/0053 submitted - Passed by J3 meeting
         05-170    m172  Passed J3 letter ballot #11
         N1622     m172  Failed WG5 ballot N1629
         11-217r1  m195  Revised answer for Fortran 2008 - Passed
                          by J3 meeting
         11-241    m196  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot
                          #24 11-229
         12-165r2  m198  Passed by J3 letter ballot #25 12-147
         12-193    m199  Failed WG5 ballot #3 N1932/N1933/N1939
         12-190    m199  Revised answer/edits - passed by J3 meeting
         13-237    m200  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot
                           #27 13-203


NUMBER: F03/0064
TITLE: Recursive declaration of procedure interfaces
KEYWORDS: procedure, interface
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


Q1. Consider the following program:

      PROGRAM foo
        PROCEDURE(sub) :: p
          SUBROUTINE sub(p2)
            IMPORT p
            PROCEDURE(p) :: p2

C1216 appears to prohibit the case of an interface name in a procedure
declaration statement being the name of something declared in a later
procedure declaration statement.  But it does not appear to prohibit
the case of an interface name being the name of something declared in
a later interface body.

In the above program, the characteristics of p rely on the
characteristics of sub.  The characteristics of sub, in turn, rely on
the characteristics of p.

Is this program standard-conforming?

Q2. Consider the module

    MODULE m1
      SUBROUTINE s(p)
        PROCEDURE(s) :: p

Constraint C1216 does not apply here since "s" is not declared by a
procedure declaration statement; unlike Q1, it is also not declared by
an interface body.  However, the characteristics of S have not been
determined before the procedure declaration statement has been
processed, and that cannot be processed until we know what the
interface of S is.

Is this program unit standard-conforming?

Q3. Consider the module

    MODULE m2
      SUBROUTINE s1(a)
        PROCEDURE(s2) :: a
      SUBROUTINE s2(b)
        PROCEDURE(s1) :: b

The interface of A depends on the interface of S2, which depends on
the characteristics of B, which depends on the characteristics of S1,
which depends on the characteristics of A; a circular dependency.

Is this program unit standard-conforming?

Q4. Consider

      MODULE m3
        PROCEDURE(s),POINTER :: sptr
        SUBROUTINE s(p)
          PROCEDURE(sptr) :: p

In the normal course of events there is no problem declaring a
procedure pointer to have the interface of a module procedure that is
defined later, and this is desirable, but in this case there seems to
be a circular dependency between the characteristics of sptr, s, and

Is this program unit standard-conforming?


None of the examples are standard-conforming, as the standard does not
establish an interpretation for them.

An edit is provided to clarify this.

EDIT to 10-007r1:

[288:3], append new sentence
  "The interface specified by <interface-name> shall not depend on any
   characteristic of a procedure identified by a
   <procedure-entity-name> in the <proc-decl-list> of the same
   procedure declaration statement."


HISTORY: 05-179    m172  F03/0064 submitted
         05-226    m173  Passed by J3 meeting
         06-133    m175  Failed J3 letter ballot #12
         09-149    m187  Passed by J3 meeting
         09-187r2  m188  Failed J3 letter ballot #18 09-155
         13-245    m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 letter ballot #28 13-255r1


NUMBER: F03/0100
TITLE: Error in field width for special cases of signed INFINITY
KEYWORDS: formatted output, signed infinity
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


Is there an error in the description for the output of a IEEE infinity
with a sign and a field width of 3 or 8?

Fortran 2008, paragraph 7, [252:33-34], describes the
output of IEEE infinities; this specifies asterisks (field overflow) if
the field width is less than 3, and omission of "inity" if the field
width is less than 8.  However, this does not take into account the
fact that there might be a plus or minus sign in the field.

The current text also fails to take into account the case of <w> = 0,
for both Infinity and NaN values.


Yes, there is an error in the special cases.  Edits are provided to
correctly describe the required field widths for signed infinities.
An edit is also provided to repair the description of the output of
NaN values.

EDITS to 10-007r1:

[252:33-34], Replace "If <w> is ... produced." with

  "The minimum field width required for output of the form 'Inf' is 3
   if no sign is produced, and 4 otherwise.  If <w> is greater than
   zero but less than the minimum required, the field is filled with
   asterisks.  The minimum field width for output of the form
   'Infinity' is 8 if no sign is produced and 9 otherwise.  If <w>
   is greater than or equal to the minimum required for the form
   'Infinity', the form 'Infinity' is output.  If <w> is zero or <w>
   is less than the minimum required for the form 'Infinity' and
   greater than or equal to the minimum required for the form 'Inf',
   the form 'Inf' is output.  Otherwise, the field is filled with

[252:37] Same subclause, p8, Replace "If <w> ... askerisks." with

  "If <w> is greater than zero and less than 3, the field is filled
   with asterisks.  If <w> is zero, the output field is 'NaN'.".

SUBMITTED BY: Dick Hendrickson

HISTORY: 07-271    m181  F03/0100 submitted
         07-271r2  m181  Passed by J3 meeting
         07-321    m182  Failed J3 letter ballot #14 07-279
         07-340r1  m182  Passed by J3 meeting
         08-133r2  m183  Passed by letter ballot #15 08-101
         08-164    m184  Failed WG5 ballot #5 N1722-N1726
         13-247    m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #28


NUMBER: F03/0139
TITLE: Functions returning procedure pointers
KEYWORDS: procedure pointer
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


(1) Is a function permitted to return a procedure pointer?
    Much of the language talks about the function result variable,
    but a procedure pointer is not a variable.  For example, 2.2.3
    says [12:16]
       "The VARIABLE that returns the value of a function is called
        the RESULT VARIABLE."
    (emphasis mine); which indicates that the value of a function is
    returned in a variable.

(2) Where may a function reference that returns a procedure pointer
    appear?  In particular,
    (a) as a <selector> in a SELECT TYPE or an ASSOCIATE statement;
    (b) within parentheses as a primary;
    (c) as the argument to an intrinsic inquiry function such as
        KIND or LEN.

(3) [12:18-19] says
      "a subroutine may be used to change the program state by
       changing the values of any of the data objects accessible
       to the subroutine".
    A procedure pointer is not a data object, so is this meant to
    imply that a subroutine is not permitted to change the state of a
    procedure pointer?  Similar text for functions appears in the same


(1b) Yes, a function is permitted to return a procedure pointer; the
     text calling this a variable is in error.  Edits are supplied to
     correct these mistakes.

(2b) It was intended that a function reference that returns a
     procedure pointer only be permitted as an argument to the
     ASSOCIATED and NULL intrinsic functions and in places where an
     ordinary procedure name would be acceptable.  Parentheses around
     a pointer act to dereference the pointer and return a copy of the
     value: this action is inapplicable to procedures. Thus the
     answers to the specific sub-questions are No, No, and No again.
     Clarifying edits are provided.

(3) No, this implication is not intended.  A clarifying edit is

EDITS for (1b):

[10:33+] Insert new term after "1.3.77 <<function>>"
  "1.3.77a <<function result>>
   entity that returns the value of a function".

[15:31-33] Delete term 1.3.121 <<result variable>>.

[52:2], after "function result" delete "variable".

        "result variable in the function" -> "function result".

[87:9] 5.1p2 "its result variable" -> "the function result".

[109:24] 5.5p4,
         "name of the result variable of that function subprogram"
         -> "result of that function".
{Function *subprogram*s do not have results, the function specified by
 the FUNCTION statement does, as do the ones defined by the ENTRY
 statements, but the subprogram is just syntax.}

[112:15] C587, "result variable" -> "function result".

[114:22] C5100, "result variable" -> "function result".

[130:26], after "function result" delete "variable".

[278:11] 12.3.1 "result value"->"function result".
{Reads a bit awkwardly, but it is important to use the correct terms
 and to be consistent with 12.3.3 (which does) otherwise this is
 undefined meaningless blather.}

[307:5,9], "result variable" -> "function result", twice.

[307:12,14,15] p4, "result variable" -> "function result", thrice.

[307:15-16] Delete "The characteristics ... variable.".

[307:17] "is a pointer" -> "is a data pointer".

[307:18,18,20] "result variable" -> "function result", thrice.

[307:20+2] NOTE 12.41, "The ... subprogram." ->
  "The function result is similar to any other entity (variable or
   procedure pointer) local to the function subprogram.".
[307:20+4] "this variable" -> "this entity".
[307:20+5] "that variable" -> "that entity".

            "result variable name" -> "name of the function result",

[310:2], after "name of its result" delete "variable".

[310:2-3] Delete "The characteristics ... the result variable.".

[310:5-6] "result variables identify the same variable"
          -> "result names identify the same entity"
           and delete ", although their names need not be the same".

[310:6] "scalars" -> "scalar variables".

[314:3] After "The result" delete "variable".

[433:7] "result variable is a scalar"->"result is a scalar entity".

[441:7,10] 16.3.1p4, "result variable" -> "function result", twice.

[441:18-20] 16.3.3p1, "result variable" -> "function result", thrice.

[449:3-4] "result variables" ->
          "function results that are variables".

         "result variables" -> "function results that are variables".

[456:11] 16.6.6p1, item (15)(e),
         "the result variable of a function"
         -> "a variable that is the function result of that procedure"
{Also fixes all function results becoming undefined when a single
 procedure is invoked!}

EDITS for (2b).

[133:26+] Insert new constraint
  "C702a (R701) The <expr> shall not be a function reference that
         returns a procedure pointer."

[170:23+] Insert new constraint
  "C804a (R805) The <expr> shall not be a function reference that
         returns a procedure pointer."

[316:12+] 13.2.1 after p6, insert new paragraph
  "An argument to an intrinsic procedure other than ASSOCIATED, NULL,
   or PRESENT shall be a data object."

EDITS for (3).

[30:28] After "data objects" insert "or procedure pointers".

SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen

HISTORY: 09-295    m190  F03/0139 submitted - Passed by J3 meeting:
                          B answers passed
         10-105    m191  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #20
         N1816     m191  Failed WG5 ballot #7 {N1805/6} - interp
                          updated - see 10-135r1
         13-249    m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #28


Part 4: Active Fortran 2008 Interpretation Requests


NUMBER: F08/0071
TITLE: Vector subscript target
KEYWORDS: Pointer assignment, Vector subscript
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot



  PROGRAM m197006
    REAL,TARGET :: x(100) = [ (i,i=1,100) ]
    REAL,POINTER :: p(:)
    TYPE t
      REAL,POINTER :: q(:)
    TYPE(t) y
    p => x                     ! (1)
    y = t(x)                   ! (2)
    p => x( [ 1,4,9,25 ] )     ! (3)
    y = t(x( [ 1,4,9,25 ] ))   ! (4)
    PRINT *,y%q

The pointer assignment statement at (1) associates P with X.
The intrinsic assignment statement at (2) includes the effect of
pointer assignment of X to Y%Q, but is not a pointer assignment

The pointer assignment statement at (3) is not standard-conforming
according to paragraph 2:
  "An array section with a vector subscript shall not be
   ... the <data-target> in a pointer assignment statement"

However, the intrinsic assignment statement at (4) is not subject to
this requirement as it is not a pointer assignment statement.

Note that the quoted paragraph is entirely  duplicative, as in:
 - the first bullet item is covered by,
 - the second bullet item is covered by C724 in
   (but C724 does not cover this case either),
 - the third bullet item is covered by C901 in 9.5.1.
Editorial improvements have been made in corrigendum 1.  The entire
paragraph has been rewritten.

Q1. Was the statement marked (4) intended to be allowed?

Q2. If not, was it intended to be prohibited by a constraint like
    C724, or was it intended to be a simple requirement?
    (Editorial note: in any case surely the requirement should appear
    in the pointer assignment subclause.)


A1. No, this was not intended.  An edit is supplied to correct this.

A2. Constraint C724 was intended to cover this case.  An edit is
    supplied to correct this.


[158:19-20] In Syntax of the pointer assignment statement,
            C724, change ""(R737) A <variable>"
            to "A variable that is a pointer target",
            making the whole constraint read:
  "A variable that is a pointer target shall have either the TARGET
   or POINTER attribute, and shall not be an array section with a
   vector subscript."
{Make the constraint apply to all forms of pointer assignment.}

{Notice that this edit incorporates the list item concerning vector
subscripts from status quo ante corrigendum 1.}

SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen

HISTORY: 12-121    m197  F08/0071 submitted
	 12-121r1  m197  Revised wording with same edits - passed
                          by J3 meeting
         12-165r2  m198  Failed J3 letter ballot #25 12-147
         13-250    m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 letter ballot #28 13-255r1


NUMBER: F08/0075
TITLE: Pointer function reference as variable in assignment
KEYWORDS: Pointer function, assignment, defined operator
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


(1) Consider the following

  module Funcs

    interface operator ( .op. )
      module procedure Unary, Binary
    end interface


    function Unary ( Arg )
      integer, intent(in) :: Arg
      integer, pointer :: Unary
    end function Unary

    function Binary ( Arg1, Arg2 )
      integer, intent(in) :: Arg1, Arg2
      integer, pointer :: Binary
    end function Binary

  end module Funcs

  program What

    use Funcs
    integer :: X, Y = 42

    10 .op. x = y

  end program What

Is the "10" in "10 .op. x = y" an operand, and therefore an argument of
a reference to Binary, or is .op. a reference to Unary and "10" a
statement label?

(2) Consider the following

  module Funcs

    interface operator ( .op. )
      module procedure Unary, Binary
    end interface


    function Unary ( Arg )
      integer, intent(in) :: Arg
      character(len=...), pointer :: Unary
    end function Unary

    function Binary ( Arg1, Arg2 )
      integer, intent(in) :: Arg1, Arg2
      character(len=...), pointer :: Binary
    end function Binary

  end module Funcs

  program What

    use Funcs
    integer :: X = 42, Y

    read (10) .op. x, y

  end program What

Is "10" an <io-control-spec-list>, or is "(10) .op. x" a <format>?

Note that this program is valid Fortran 90, and "(10) .op. x" is
a <format> according to the Fortran 90 standard.


It was an oversight that the programs in (1) and (2) conform to the
syntax and constraints in two different ways.

The problem stems from the over-ambitious extension of allowing
pointer function references to denote variables; this was unambiguous
for <function-reference> syntax, but is not for operator syntax.
Also, operator syntax has other restrictions on it that are intended
to prevent modification of an operand, and these are subverted if the
result is treated as a variable.

Edits are supplied to remove the treatment of pointer-valued operators
as variables.


[117:13] In 6.2, R602, change "<expr>" to "<function-reference>".

[117:15] In 6.2, C602,
         change "<expr> ... has"
         to "<function-reference> shall have".

[158:18+] In, R737, add new production
             "<<or>> <expr>".
{Restore description of <data-target> to F2003 version.}

[158:20+] In, After C724, add new constraint
  "C724a (R737) An <expr> shall be a reference to a function that has
                a data pointer result."
{Restore F2003 constraint (more or less).}


HISTORY: 12-149    m198  F08/0075 submitted
         12-149r1  m198  Revised edit
         12-149r2  m198  Clarified answer, passed J3 meeting
         12-196    m199  Subsumed F08/0076 and Failed J3 letter ballot
                             #26, 12-184
         12-197    m199  Revised answer/edits - passed by J3 meeting
         13-237    m200  Passed by J3 letter ballot #27 13-203


NUMBER: F08/0076
TITLE: Pointer function reference in READ
KEYWORDS: Pointer function reference, READ, defined operator
STATUS: Subsumed by F08/0075


Consider the following

  module Funcs

    interface operator ( .op. )
      module procedure Unary, Binary
    end interface


    function Unary ( Arg )
      integer, intent(in) :: Arg
      character(len=...), pointer :: Unary
    end function Unary

    function Binary ( Arg1, Arg2 )
      integer, intent(in) :: Arg1, Arg2
      character(len=...), pointer :: Binary
    end function Binary

  end module Funcs

  program What

    use Funcs
    integer :: X = 42, Y

    read (10) .op. x, y

  end program What

Is "10" an <io-control-spec-list>, or is "(10) .op. x" a <format>?

Note that this program is valid Fortran 90, and "(10) .op. x" is
a <format> according to the Fortran 90 standard.

  An edit is supplied
to remove the ambiguity in the current standard.


This is another example of the same problem as F08/0075, viz syntactic
ambiguity caused by the F2008 feature "operator syntax for variable
denotation".  Therefore this interpretation request is subsumed by


See F08/0075.


HISTORY: 12-150    m198  F08/0076 submitted
         12-150r1  m198  Revised answer and edits, passed J3 meeting
         12-196    m199  Subsumed by F08/0075, J3 letter ballot #26,

  Result: This is another instance of the same problem (syntactic
          ambiguity) caused by the same feature (operator syntax
          for variable denotation) as F08/0075, so needs to be
          answered together with F08/0075 => example will be added to
          F08/0075, and F08/0076 is therefore subsumed by F08/0075.

         12-197    m199  F08/0075 passed by J3 meeting


NUMBER: F08/0083
TITLE: Type parameter default expressions allow circular dependence
KEYWORDS: type parameter expressions, circular dependence
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot



  type :: T ( I, J )
    integer, kind :: I = J + 1
    integer, kind :: J = I + 1
  end type T

  type(t) :: X(1,2)
  print *, x%i, x%j


1. Is the program standard conforming?

2. What does it print?


1. The program is not conformant because the standard does not establish
an interpretation.

An edit is supplied to make it clear that the program is not comformant.

2. The standard does not establish an interpretation.


Replace item (9) in the list in 7.1.12p1 [12-007:152:9]:

  (9) "a previously declared kind type parameter of the type being


HISTORY: 12-172    m199  F08/0083 submitted - passed by J3 meeting
         13-237    m200  Passed by J3 letter ballot #27 13-203


NUMBER: F08/0084
TITLE: Pointer arguments to PURE functions
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


 Consider the following subprogram:

   Real Pure Function F( X )
     Real,Pointer :: X
     Real :: F
     f = 1.0
     x = 2.0    ! (A)
     Nullify(x) ! (B)
   End Function F

 This subprogram does not conform to Fortran 2003, because both
 statements (A) and (B) violate constraint C1272 which says
   "C1272 In a pure subprogram any designator with a base object that
          ... is a dummy argument of a pure function ... shall not be
          used ... [in] a variable definition context ...".

However, the corresponding constraint in Fortran 2008, C1283, is
missing the condition that applies the constraint to a dummy
argument of a pure function, except when it has INTENT(IN).  Thus
the statements marked (A) and (B) do not violate C1283, and
therefore this subprogram appears to conform to Fortran 2008.

Was this subprogram intended to be standard-conforming?


No, this subprogram was not intended to be standard-conforming.
An edit is supplied to re-insert the omitted condition.

EDIT to 10-007r1:

[312:31] In 12.7, constraint C1283, after "association",
         insert ", is a dummy argument of a pure function".

SUBMITTED BY: Tobias Burnus

HISTORY: 12-174    m199  F08/0084 submitted
         12-174r1  m199  Revised
         12-174r2  m199  Passed by J3 meeting
         13-237    m200  Passed by J3 letter ballot #27 13-203


NUMBER: F08/0085
TITLE: Problems with PARAMETERs
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


(1) Consider the program fragment

    Subroutine s
      Parameter (n=1)
      Integer :: x,n       !(A)
      Parameter (x=3)

    The type declaration statement marked "!(A)", declares the
    entities X and N to be of type INTEGER.  Furthermore, as we see by
    the immediately preceding and following PARAMETER statements, both
    X and N are named constants.

    Unfortunately, a constraint says
      C507 (R503) "An <initialization> shall appear if the entity is a
                   named constant (5.3.13)."
    (BTW, R503 is <entity-decl>.)

    Therefore one concludes that the type declaration statement marked
    "!(A)" is not conforming as it violates C507 for both X and N.

    Is this statement intended to be conforming?

(2) Firstly, consider

    Subroutine s2(n)
      Integer,Parameter :: x(n:n+1) = [ 1,2 ]
      Character(n),Parameter :: y = 'abc'

    The type declaration statements are not conforming because
    according to 5.2.2p1, X and Y are automatic data objects, and C506
    says that <initialization> shall not appear in that case.

    Now consider

    Subroutine s2b(n)
      Implicit Character(n) (a-z)
      Parameter (y = 'abc')
      Integer :: x(n:n+1)

    This is not valid Fortran 2003, because 5.2 contains the
      "The combination of attributes that may be specified for a
       particular entity is subject to the same restrictions as for
       type declaration statements regardless of the method of
       specification.  This also applies to PROCEDURE, EXTERNAL, and
       INTRINSIC statements."

    This requirement does not appear in F2008.  However, there is no
    indication in the Introduction of this new feature.

    Is this extension to Fortran 2003 deliberate?


(1) Yes, the type declaration statement was intended to be allowed.
    An edit is supplied to correct this mistake.

(2) No, the omission of this requirement was inadvertent.  An edit
    is supplied to correct this mistake.


[88:14] In 5.2.1, Replace constraint "C507 (503)" completely with
  "C507 (R501) If the PARAMETER keyword appears, <initialization>
        shall appear in each <entity-decl>."
{Fix Q1.}

[88:14+] In 5.2.1, immediately after constraint C507, insert new
  "C507a An expression that specifies a length type parameter or
         array bound of a named constant shall be a constant
{Fix Q2.}

SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen

HISTORY: 12-189    m199  F08/0085 submitted
         12-189r1  m199  Passed by J3 meeting
         13-237    m200  Failed as amended by J3 letter ballot
                          #27 13-203
         13-239    m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 letter ballot #28 13-255r1


NUMBER: F08/0086
TITLE: 	Implied-shape and separate PARAMETER statement
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


Q1.  Consider

  Program test1
    Character(*) a,b(*)
    Dimension c(*)
    Parameter (a='123', b=['1','2','3'])
    Character(*),Parameter :: c = [ '44','55','66' ]
    Print *,a,b,c

The definition of the assumed-length character named constant A
conforms to Fortran 77 to Fortran 2008.  However, the definition of
the implied-shape named constant B appears not to conform to Fortran
2008, as the standard says in 5.4.11p2
  "A named array constant defined by a PARAMETER statement shall have
   its shape specified in a prior specification statement."
On the other hand, the named constant C does not have such a
requirement, so its definition would appear to be conforming.

This apparent requirement on the named constant B would thus appear to
be inconsistent with those on the named constant C, as well as
inconsistent with the way that assumed length works, and with the
general principle of allowing attributes to be specified either in a
single type declaration statement or with separate specification

Is the program intended to conform to the Fortran standard?

Q2. Consider

  Subroutine test2(a)
    Real,Dimension(*) :: a,c
    Parameter (c = [ 45.6 ])
    a(:size(c)) = c
  End Subroutine

The <array-spec> in the type declaration statement is ambiguous; if it
is an <implied-shape-spec> then the declaration of A as an
assumed-size array is erroneous, but if it is an <assumed-size-spec>
then the declaration of C as an implied-shape array is erroneous.

Is this program-unit intended to be standard-conforming?


A1. Yes, the program was intended to conform to the Fortran standard.
    An edit is provided to modify the requirement for prior
    specification so as to allow this case.

A2. Yes, the program is intended to conform to the Fortran standard.
    An edit is provided to add syntax to permit this unambiguously.

EDITS to 10-007r1:

[94:10], R515,
        Change "<implied-shape-spec-list>" to "<implied-shape-spec>".
{This will be the unambiguous implied-shape syntax.}

[94:10+] Insert new production
         "<<or>> <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec>".
{This will be the otherwise-ambiguous syntax.}

  Replace sentence
    "An assumed-size array is declared with an <assumed-size-spec>."
    "A dummy argument is declared to be an assumed-size array by an
     <assumed-size-spec> or an <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec>."
{Now two ways of declaring assumed size.}

[95:33] After "<<is>>" insert "<explicit-shape-spec>,".
{The unambiguous case starts with an <explicit-shape-spec>.}

[95:37+] Insert new BNF rule and constraint
  "R521a <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec> <<is>> [ <lower-bound> :
                                                     ] *
   C534a An object whose array bounds are specified by an
         <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec> shall be a dummy data
         object or a named constant."
{The otherwise-ambiguous case.  Note careful wording.}

  Replace sentence
    "An implied-shape array ... <implied-shape-spec-list>."
    "A named constant is declared to be an implied-shape array by an
     <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec> or an <implied-shape-spec>."
{Now two ways of declaring implied shape.}

[96:26] R522, append ", [ [ <lower-bound> : ] * ]...".
{This is now the unambiguously implied-shape spec.}

[107:11] 5.4.11p1 "shape" -> "rank".
{In the PARAMETER statement, only require the rank to be specified in
 a prior specification statement.}


(1) Since "[ <lower-bound> : ] *" now appears 4 times, it might make
    sense to define a BNF term for it, e.g. <star-bounds>, and use
    that term in those places instead.

(2) The current wording of C533 is slightly defective, as it does not
    clearly prohibit "REAL,DIMENSION(*) :: dummy,nondummy", seeing as
    how that does indeed declare "the array bounds of a dummy data
    object".  C533 should probably be reworded similarly to C534a.


HISTORY: 12-191    m199  F08/0086 submitted - revised by Malcolm
                          Cohen - passed by J3 meeting
         13-237    m200  Failed letter ballot
         13-235    m200  Revised with straw votes
         13-235r1  m200  Passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #28


NUMBER: F08/0087
TITLE: Mixed-kind character assignment
KEYWORDS: Mixed kind, character assignment
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


For a processor that supports both ASCII and ISO 10646 UCS-4
character kinds, assuming without loss of generality that
Selected_Char_Kind('ASCII') is equal to 1 and that
Selected_Char_Kind('ISO_10646') is equal to 10646,
consider the following program:

  Module charkinds
    Integer,Parameter :: ascii = 1
    Integer,Parameter :: ucs4 = 10646
  End Module
  Module overload
    Use charkinds
    Interface Assignment(=)
      Module Procedure char_asg
    End Interface
    Subroutine char_asg(a,b)
      Character(*,ascii),Intent(Out) :: a
      Character(*,ucs4),Intent(In) :: b
      Do i=1,Min(Len(a),Len(b))
        a(i:i) = Achar(Mod(Iachar(b(i:i))+1,127))
      End Do
      a(i:) = Repeat('*',Len(a)-Len(b))
    End Subroutine
  End Module
  Program test
    Use overload
    Character(10,ascii) x
    x = ucs4_'Hello'
    Print *,'"',x,'"'
  End Program

This program conforms to Fortran 95, which permitted user-defined
assignment between all characters with different kinds.

However, Fortran 2008 provides intrinsic assignment between
ISO 10646 characters and ASCII characters, so user-defined assignment
is not permitted ( and Table 7.8).

Thus there seems to be a contradiction between the Fortran 95
compatibility description in 1.6.3 and

Is the program intended to conform to Fortran 2008?
And if it does, does it print
 "Hello     "
(intrinsic assignment)
(user-defined assignment)?


The program was not intended to conform to the standard.
An edit is provided to remove the contradiction.


[24:14] 1.6.3p1, "Any"
        -> "Except as identified in this subclause, any".
{No longer true.}

[24:15] Split the sentence "The ..." introducing the list into a
        separate paragraph (which will be the third paragraph), and
        insert a new paragraph (as the second paragraph) as follows:
  "Fortran 95 permitted defined assignment between character strings
   of the same rank and different kinds.  This part of ISO/IEC 1539
   does not permit that if both of the different kinds are ASCII,
   ISO 10646, or default kind."
{Describe the incompatibility.}

[25:2+] 1.6.4, after p2, insert a new paragraph.
  "Fortran 90 permitted defined assignment between character strings
   of the same rank and different kinds.  This part of ISO/IEC 1539
   does not permit that if both of the different kinds are ASCII,
   ISO 10646, or default kind."
{Describe the incompatibility.}


HISTORY: 13-204    m200  F08/0087 submitted
         13-204r1  m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 letter ballot #28 13-255r1


NUMBER: F08/0088
TITLE: Can ALLOCATE with SOURCE= have side-effects in a PURE proc?
KEYWORDS: Allocate, SOURCE=, PURE, side-effects
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


On comp.lang.fortran Ian Harvey brought up a pointer/PURE

Given a type definition like

 type :: int_ptr
    integer, pointer :: i
 end type int_ptr

And a PURE function like

  PURE function FUN (arg)
    type(int_ptr), intent(in) :: arg
    type(int_ptr), allocatable :: tmp
    FUN = 1
    allocate (tmp, source=arg)
    tmp%i = 2
  end function fun

Is FUN standard conforming?

Doesn't the use of source=arg allow the function to modify a global
entity via the tmp%i = ...?  There don't seem to be any constraints on
what arg%i can point to, which means that the assignment to tmp%i can
have side effects.

Note that C1283(1) prevents usage like
    arg%i = 2


This was not intended to be standard-conforming.
An edit is supplied to remedy this oversight.


[312:37] Delete "or" and add a new item
  "(4a) as the <source-expr> in a SOURCE= clause if the designator is
        of a derived type that has an ultimate pointer component, or"

SUBMITTED BY: Dick Hendrickson

HISTORY: 13-226    m200  F08/0088 submitted
         13-226r1  m200  Edits added - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 leter ballot #28 13-255r1


NUMBER: F08/0089
TITLE: 	Variable-denoting function references change existing
KEYWORDS: Pointer function, argument, ASSOCIATE, SELECT TYPE
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


Questions 1-3 use this module:

  Module m200c2
    Integer,Target :: x = 42
    Function fx()
      Integer,Pointer :: fx
      fx => x
    End Function
  End Module

Q1. Consider this main program

  Program q1
    Use m200c2
    Call test(x,fx())                  ! The call.
    Subroutine test(a,b)
      Integer :: a,b
      a = a*10                         ! The assignment.
      Print *,a,b
    End Subroutine
  End Program

According to Fortran 2003, "fx()" in the CALL statement is an
expression and not a variable, and has the value 42.  It follows
that the assignment "a = a*10" is standard-conforming and does
not affect the value of B.  Therefore this program prints
 420 42

However, according to Fortran 2008, "fx()" in the CALL statement is a
variable, and therefore the assignment does not conform to the
standard because it affects the value of B and so violates
item (3) which requires all updates to B to go through the dummy
argument, and therefore the behaviour of the program is unspecified.

This conflicts with the statement in clause 1 that all Fortran 2003
programs remain conforming in Fortran 2008.

Is this program intended to remain standard-conforming?

Q2. Consider this main program

  Program q2
    Use m200c2
    Call test(x,fx())                  ! The call.
    Subroutine test(a,b)
      Integer,Target :: a,b
      a = a*10                         ! The assignment.
      Print *,a,b
    End Subroutine
  End Program

According to Fortran 2003, "fx()" in the CALL statement is an
expression and not a variable, and has the value 42.  It follows
that the assignment "a = a*10" is standard-conforming and does
not affect the value of B.  Therefore this program prints
 420 42

However, according to Fortran 2008, "fx()" in the CALL statement is a
variable, and therefore the assignment to A affects the value of B, so
the program will print
 420 420

This apparently conflicts with the statement in clause 1 that Fortran
2008 is an upwards compatible extension to Fortran 2003.

Is this program intended to have altered semantics?

Q3. Consider this main program

  Program q3
    Use m200c2
    Associate(y=>fx())   ! The association.
      x = 0              ! The assignment.
      Print *,x,y
    End Associate
  End Program

This main program apparently conforms to both Fortran 2003 and Fortran
2008, but according to Fortran 2003 "fx()" in the association is an
expression, evaluated on entry to the construct, and therefore Y
becomes associated with the value 42, and therefore the program prints
the values (spacing may differ)

 0 42

whereas according to Fortran 2008 "fx()" in the association is a
variable, and every reference to Y is a reference to the associated
variable, so the assignment also changes the value of Y and therefore
the program prints the values

 0 0

This apparently conflicts with the statement in clause 1 that Fortran
2008 is an upwards compatible extension to Fortran 2003.

Is this program intended to have altered semantics?

Q4. Consider this program

  Module m200c2_q4
    Integer,Target :: x = 42
    Function fx()
      Class(*),Pointer :: fx
      fx => x
    End Function
  End Module
  Program q4
    Use m200c2_q4
    Select Type (q=>fx())
    Type Is (Integer)
      x = 0
      Print *,x,q
    End Select
  End Program

Using the same logic as Q2, this should print the values
 0 42
in Fortran 2003, but the values
 0 0
in Fortran 2008.

Again, this is not upwards compatible with Fortran 2003.

Is this program intended to have altered semantics.


A1. This program is not intended to be conforming to Fortran 2008.
    An edit is supplied to note the incompatibility between Fortran
    2008 and previous Fortran standards.

A2. This program was intended to have different semantics in Fortran
    2008.  An edit is supplied to note the incompatibility.

A3. This program was intended to have different semantics in Fortran
    2008.  An edit is supplied to note the incompatibility.

A4. This program was intended to have different semantics in Fortran
    2008.  An edit is supplied to note the incompatibility.

EDITS to 10-007r1:

[24:11+] 1.6.2 "Fortran 2003 compatibility",
  insert new paragraphs at the end of the subclause,
  after the paragraphs added by Corrigendum 2:

  "An actual argument that corresponds to a nonpointer dummy argument
   and which is a <function-reference> to a pointer function is
   regarded as a variable by this part of ISO/IEC 1539 but was
   regarded as an expression by Fortran 2003; if the target of the
   pointer result is modified other than through that dummy argument
   during execution of the called procedure, and that dummy argument
   does not have the POINTER or TARGET attribute, the program does not
   conform to this part of ISO/IEC 1539.  If that dummy argument does
   have the POINTER or TARGET attribute, any further reference to that
   dummy argument will have the modified value according to this part
   of ISO/IEC 1539 instead of the initial value as specified by
   ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004.

   A <selector> for an ASSOCIATE or SELECT TYPE construct that is a
   <function-reference> to a pointer function is regarded as a
   variable by this part of ISO/IEC 1539; if the target of the pointer
   result is modified during execution of the construct, any further
   references to the <associate-name> will have the modified value
   according to this part of ISO/IEC 1539 instead of the initial value
   as specified by ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004."

[24:14-16] 1.6.3 "Fortran 95 compatibility", paragraph 1, sentence 2,
  Change "Any" to "Except as identified in this subclause, any",
  Delete "The following Fortran 95 features .. 1539."
{We are about to add a non-conformance, so the last sentence will
 become wrong and it is in any case unnecessary.}

[24:17-27] Change all bullet points into separate paragraphs.
{These are no longer a list.}

[24:27+] Insert new paragraph at end of subclause
  "An actual argument that corresponds to a nonpointer dummy argument
   and which is a <function-reference> to a pointer function is
   regarded as a variable by this part of ISO/IEC 1539 but was
   regarded as an expression by Fortran 95; if the target of the
   pointer result is modified other than through that dummy argument
   during execution of the called procedure, the program does not
   conform to this part of ISO/IEC 1539."

[24:30] 1.6.4 "Fortran 90 compatibility", paragraph 1
  Change "Any" to "Except as identified in this subclause, any",

[25:6+] Insert new paragraph at end of subclause.
  "An actual argument that corresponds to a nonpointer dummy argument
   and which is a <function-reference> to a pointer function is
   regarded as a variable by this part of ISO/IEC 1539 but was
   regarded as an expression by Fortran 95; if the target of the
   pointer result is modified other than through that dummy argument
   during execution of the called procedure, the program does not
   conform to this part of ISO/IEC 1539."

SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen

HISTORY: 13-228    m200  F08/0089 submitted
         13-228r1  m200  Revised - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #28


NUMBER: F08/0090
TITLE: 	What restrictions apply to initialization and PARAMETER?
KEYWORDS: PARAMETER, initialization, conformable, type conversion
STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot


Consider the programs

  Program m200c3_1
    Integer :: a(10,10)
    Parameter (a = [ (i,i=1,100) ] )
    Print *,a
  End Program

  Program m200c3_2
    Parameter (b = 'ok')
    Print *,b
  End Program

  Program m200c3_3
    Integer :: x(23) = [ 1 ]
    Print *,x
  End Program

  Program m200c3_4
    Integer :: y = 'ok'
    Print *,y
  End Program

The PARAMETER statement for the named constant A has an expression
whose shape does not conform with that of A.  The PARAMETER statement
for the named constant B has an expression whose type does not conform
to that of B.  The <initialization> for X is not conformable in shape.
The <initialization> for Y is not conformable in type.

There appears to be no requirement either for shape or type
conformance, in Fortran 2008 or in previous Fortran standards, except
for initializing data pointers.

Q1. Do any of these programs conform to Fortran 2008?

Q2. If there is meant to be a requirement for the shapes to conform or
    for the types to be convertible, should this not be a constraint?


A1. No, these programs do not conform to Fortran 2008, as no
    interpretation is established for any of them.  Edits are
    provided to clarify this.

A2. This is not a constraint.  A future revision of Fortran might
    choose to mandate diagnosis of these errors.

EDIT to 10-007r1:

[88:30+] 5.2.1 Syntax, Insert new paragraph at end of subclause
  "If <initialization> appears for a nonpointer entity,
   - its type and type parameters shall conform as specified for
     intrinsic assignment (;
   - if the entity has implied shape, the rank of <initialization>
     shall be the same as the rank of the entity;
   - if the entity does not have implied shape, <initialization> shall
     either be scalar or have the same shape as the entity.".

[107:12+] 5.4.11 PARAMETER statement, after p2, Insert new paragraph
  "The constant expression that corresponds to a named constant shall
   have type and type parameters that conform with the named constant
   as specified for intrinsic assignment (  If the named
   constant has implied shape, the expression shall have the same rank
   as the named constant; otherwise, the expression shall either be
   scalar or have the same rank as the named constant.".

SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen

HISTORY: 13-229    m200  F08/0090 submitted - passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed J3 letter ballot #28 13-255r1


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