(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4797) Fwd: Fourth WG5 ballot on interpretations
Bill Long
Mon Sep 24 18:18:40 EDT 2012
Sorry, should have been sent to the WG5 list, not J3.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: (j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4752) Fourth WG5 ballot on interpretations
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 17:17:22 -0500
From: Bill Long <longb at cray.com>
Reply-To: <longb at cray.com>
Organization: Cray Inc.
To: fortran standards email list for J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org>
On 9/2/12 11:08 AM, John Reid wrote:
> WG5,
> Here is
> N1934 WG5 letter ballot 4 on Fortran 2008 interpretations.
> I have set the deadline as 0900 UK time on Friday, 28 September 2012.
The following Fortran 2008 interpretations are being balloted:
Yes No Number Title
-Y- --- F08/0043 Executing a type-bound procedure on a coindexed
-C- --- F08/0048 Sequence association for coarrays
-Y- --- F08/0054 Requirements for needing an explicit interface
-C- --- F08/0055 G editing for reals
-Y- --- F08/0056 Non-polymorphic ALLOCATE with polymorphic SOURCE=
-Y- --- F08/0057 Interoperability with empty types
-Y- --- F08/0058 ENTRY point RESULT variable
-C- --- F08/0059 Auto-targetting requirements
-Y- --- F08/0060 Procedure pointer assignment with an EXTERNAL target
-Y- --- F08/0061 Description of the CONTIGUOUS attribute misworded?
-Y- --- F08/0062 Mixing default initialization with DATA
-Y- --- F08/0063 G editing to a narrow output field
-Y- --- F08/0065 Should certain procedures in intrinsic modules be
-Y- --- F08/0066 Are certain expressions with pointer initialization
-Y- --- F08/0067 Passing arrays of extended type objects
-C- --- F08/0068 Pointer association and extended type arrays
-Y- --- F08/0069 Which part of an effective argument becomes
-Y- --- F08/0070 Finalization of INTENT(OUT) arguments
-C- --- F08/0072 Final subroutines with corank
-Y- --- F08/0073 Polymorphic auto-targetting
Ballot comments:
F08/0048: I think it would be clearer if the last word of the edit
were changed from "array" to "coarray". I know that further
restriction could be deduced from, but why be unnecessarily
Does the interp open the door to a whole room full of "clever
programming" opportunities? For example, you can pass a different
element on each image. An only slightly more complicated example than
the outline in the interp is:
program test
subroutine sub (x)
real x(10)[*]
end subroutine
end interface
real :: x(100)[*]
integer :: ti
ti = this_image()
x = 666
call sub (x(ti))
print *, "For image ", ti, "x(1:15) = ", x(1:15)
end program test
subroutine sub(y)
real y(10)[*]
y = 999
end subroutine sub
Testing this out does lead to the expected results:
> aprun -n4 ./a.out
For image 3 x(1:15) = 2*666., 10*999., 3*666.
For image 4 x(1:15) = 3*666., 10*999., 2*666.
For image 2 x(1:15) = 666., 10*999., 4*666.
For image 1 x(1:15) = 10*999., 5*666.
If sub contained coindexed references to y, it could get confusing
about what elements of x you are really accessing on the remote
images. In principle this is OK, but I wanted to be sure we were all
agreeing to the same consequences for this interp.
F08/0055: Particularly for an interp about G output formatting, it
would be very helpful to actually display the expected output.
[Generally, when there is example code that has output, it would be
helpful to state the correct output if the code is claimed to be
F08/0059: The last sentence of the Answer should begin "Edits are"
instead of "An edit is". There are two edits.
F08/0068: I think that the second bullets in each of the two edits is
trying to say that the dummy argument becomes associated with the part
of the actual argument (target) with the declared type of the dummy
argument. The current "declared type part of that actual argument
(target)" could be confused to refer to the declared type of the
actual argument.
F08/0072: It would be helpful to supply more explanation than just
"No." for the answer. Specification of rank is allowed for a FINAL
subroutine dummy argument. Why should corank be different?
Bill Long longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9142
Cray Inc./Cray Plaza, Suite 210/380 Jackson St./St. Paul, MN 55101
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