(j3.2006) f08/0079 example 2

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Thu Sep 20 01:39:39 EDT 2012

>The beginning of the code for Q2 in f08/0079 is
>   Module m198_002b
>     Use Iso_Fortran_Env
>     Type t(p)
>       Integer,Kind :: p
>       Real(Selected_Real_Kind(p)) c
>     Subroutine fwrite_t(dtv,unit,iotype,v_list,iostat,iomsg)
>       Class(t),Intent(In) :: dtv
>Doesn't the t in class(t) in the last line need to have a kind type
>parameter specified?

Yes.  Judging by the main program unit immediately following, it should be 

BTW, Q4 seems to have the same problem with a length type parameter, it looks 
like that one should be Class(t(*)).

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo. 

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