(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4785) [ukfortran] [WG5 letter ballot 4 on Fortran 2008 interpretations]

N.M. Maclaren nmm1
Tue Sep 18 06:10:45 EDT 2012

On Sep 18 2012, Malcolm Cohen wrote:

>I do not agree.  This has to be a straightforward violation of the syntax, 
>seeing as how the struct-declaration-list BNF requires at least one 
>struct-declaration. ...

Yes, you are absolutely right.  I have no idea what I managed to look at
to find the specification that confused me.  Sorry about that.  However,
it is a bit weird that neither gcc nor icc object to it, even with the
-ansi flag, so they seem to have got confused in the same way.

That demolishes even my niggle (and it never was more).  While it is
possible to have a pointer to an unspecified structure in C, no form of
indirection through the pointer is allowed.

Nick Maclaren.

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