(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4826) Result of WG5 letter ballot on N1941 and N1942

John Reid John.Reid
Wed Oct 10 09:27:43 EDT 2012


We seem to be completely agree on N1941 and N1942. The tentative result 
is 11-0-0-0. Please let me know ASAP if I have made any mistakes with 
this ballot result. I plan to send N1941 and N1942 to SC22 tomorrow.

Best wishes,

-------------- next part --------------
                                       ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1946-1

         Result of WG5 letter ballot on N1941 and N1942

                         John Reid

N1945 asked this question

Please answer the following question "Are N1941 and N1942 ready for 
forwarding to SC22" in one of these ways. 

1) Yes.
2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes. 
3) No, for the following reasons.
4) Abstain.

The numbers of answers in each category were:
11 for 1) Yes (Bader, Chen, Cohen, Long, Maclaren, Moene, Muxworthy, 
               Nagle, Reid, Snyder, Whitlock). 
0 for 2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes 
0 for 3) No, for the following reasons
0 for 4) Abstain 

The ballot has passed. 


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