(j3.2006) What Marriott wants

Bill Long longb
Thu Oct 4 16:15:25 EDT 2012

On 10/4/12 2:19 PM, Van Snyder wrote:
> Now that we've lost Valerie, our account rep is apparently sticking
> strictly to the Marriott book.  She wants a guarantee of $500 for
> beverage service.  Alternatively, $3 per beverage, which would be "only"
> about $150 -- about twice what we have been paying.  The boilerplate in
> the agreement she asked me to sign also said that if we bring in our own
> beverages or snacks, there will be a fee from the hotel.

We as a group, or as individuals?  Suppose I go to the store, buy a 
12-pack of soda ( ~ $3 for all 12  ), keep them in the refrigerator in 
my room, and bring one with me to each session in the meeting room. I 
can't see how they could charge me a fee for that.

> My group at JPL recently hosted a big meeting in Pasadena.  After the
> GSA party debacle last year, NASA has decided that there will be no
> refreshments at all, not even beverages, at NASA-sponsored meetings.
> Fortunately, the meeting venue was across the street from a big shopping
> mall.  We don't have that luxury at Fairfield.
> Is it time to think about moving along to a different venue?

A discussion topic for the meeting this month.

> I've gotten several solicitations from La Quinta, just a block down the
> street.  I have no idea how their sales rep got my name.

Airport shuttle?
Frig + microwave in room?
Meeting room (exist, power, WiFi, cost)?


> Van
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