(j3.2006) Won't be in Toronto

Daniel C Chen cdchen
Mon May 7 13:43:46 EDT 2012

Hi Van,

I am really sorry that you won't be coming to Toronto this June. Is there 
any chance that it may change at the last minute? I am just hoping ...


XL Fortran Development - IBM Toronto Software Lab
Phone: 905-413-3056 
Tie: 969-3056 
Email: cdchen at ca.ibm.com

From:   Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov>
To:     j3 <j3 at j3-fortran.org>
Date:   05/03/2012 06:46 PM
Subject:        (j3.2006) Won't be in Toronto
Sent by:        j3-bounces at j3-fortran.org

I won't be at the Toronto meeting.

The NASA bureaucracy has second-guessed the travel bureaucracy at JPL.

Six weeks after JPL approved my travel to the Toronto meeting, NASA HQ
says I can't go.  One wonders why anybody at JPL has budget authority in
the first place.

JPL had purchased a nonrefundable airline ticket for me, which included
travel to Santander, Spain, for the IFIP WG 2.5 meeting.  If I don't
re-use it before March 22 of next year, JPL (and the American taxpayer)
are out $2296.70.  If I do use it, the fee is only $200 more.  This is
how Congress and NASA save taxpayers' money.

They also screwed me because I had bought a nonrefundable airline ticket
for my wife to meet me in Spain.  NASA HQ didn't offer to reimburse me
to the tune of $1198.20.

I have one dinky paper about editorial issues, which I'll be putting on
the server for /edit to ponder.

Dan will need to serve as head of delegation, or appoint somebody else.

There won't be any duties for the treasurer.


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