(j3.2006) J3/12-006A current outstanding interps
Whitlock, Stan
Sun May 6 20:21:58 EDT 2012
Attached is the latest 006A that contains all of the outstanding Fortran Standard interpretations. This was used to build 12-147, interp letter ballot #25. Here are the changes since the last 006A == 11-006Ar1 from meeting #196:
> 016 = 10-006T1-5r1 == F03 Corrigenda 1-5 interps
> 017 = N1823 - F03 combined corrigenda 1-5
+ 021 = N1907 == F08 Corrigendum 1
+ 022 = N1902 == F08 Corrigendum 1 interps
+ add results of m196 J3 letter ballot #24 11-229/241
+ add results of WG5 ballots 1 and 2 N1876/N1878 and N1877/N1889
+ delete text of interps in F08 Corrigendum 1
+ add 5 interps answers from m196
+ add 23 interp answers from m197
Dan - please put the file 12-006A in the meeting 198 area on the web.
Thanks /Stan
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