(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4642) Part 2 of the standard

Bill Long longb
Wed Mar 14 08:28:43 EDT 2012

On 3/14/12 6:46 AM, David Muxworthy wrote:
> On 13 Mar 2012 John Reid wrote:
>> I promised at Garching to look into the conversion to Fortran 2003 of the procedures of the varying length strings module that are not included in Part 1 of the Standard. These are the I/O procedures GET, PUT and PUT_LINE and the substring manipulation procedures EXTRACT, INSERT, REMOVE, REPLACE, and INSERT.
> This was undertaken in the context that provision of an updated module would allow withdrawal of the standard.  Since then we have had the results of the systematic review of the standard (11 confirm, 2 stabilize, 19 abstain) so formally the standard is confirmed until the next review in 2016.
> The review also showed that a surprising number of countries (7) have national standards identical to the ISO one and five answered 'yes' to: "Is this International Standard used in your country without national adoption or are products used in your country based on this standard?".

It is likely that these "yes" answers were uninformed. Perhaps they 
thought the question was about the base Fortran standard.  We get 
benchmarks from many countries and in 15 years I do not recall any that 
used Part 2 facilities.

I agree with Nick's comment that the focus of John's task was to 
determine whether additional intrinsics should be considered for Part 1.


> It would seem best for WG5 to do nothing more for the time being.
> David
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Bill Long                                           longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support    &                 voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development            fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc./Cray Plaza, Suite 210/380 Jackson St./St. Paul, MN 55101

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