(j3.2006) functions with allocatable result variables

Robert Corbett robert.corbett
Sat Apr 14 06:06:48 EDT 2012

Suppose a function has an allocatable result variable.
Paragraph 3 of Clause [307:18-19] states

      If the result variable is not a pointer,
      its value shall be defined by the function.

For the value of an allocatable variable to be defined,
the variable must be allocated.  Is it intended that an
allocatable result variable must be allocated on return
from the function?  The standard works better if the
result variable is required to be allocated on return,
but I am not certain that requirement is intentional.

Paragraph 4 of Clause [130:28 - 131:2] states

      If an executable construct construct references
      a function whose result is either allocatable
      or a structure with a subobject that is
      allocatable, and the function reference is
      executed, an allocatable result and any
      subobject that is an allocated allocatable
      entity in the result returned by the function
      is deallocated after execution of the innermost
      executable construct containing the reference.

Suppose F is a function whose result is allocatable.
Consider the code fragment

       END DO

Assume the <block> includes a transfer of control out
of the DO construct.  My reading of the statement cited
above is that the allocated results of the function
reference remain allocated until execution of the
DO construct terminates, at which time, all of the
allocated results are deallocated.  Is that intended?
There is a similar, but less important, issue for
IF constructs.  Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran does
not work as the standard requires for these cases.

Robert Corbett

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