(j3.2006) One more thing for the C TR
Van Snyder
Thu Sep 22 22:11:44 EDT 2011
It would be useful if the C TR required a header file containing the
values of the named constants in Table 15.2 in the 2008 standard, with
the names specified there, maybe in upper case.
I needed to test whether c_int == kind(0) (alternatively c_long) and
either use c_f_pointer, or use c_f_pointer and allocate and assign and
ultimately deallocate to grab an argument. I had to trust that the C
side (actually C++ side) was compiled correctly (with the correct
command-line options to create typedefs consistent with the Fortran
side, using #ifdef etc.). If I had been able to pass the kind as an
argument it would have been helpful.
An example abstracted from the bigger problem is attached. Be careful
to compile either both with -DLONG or both without -DLONG.
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module fortmodule
implicit none
subroutine fortfun ( s ) bind(C,name='MyFortfun')
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer, c_long, c_ptr
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: s
function strlen ( P ) bind(C)
import ! Interface body don't have host access otherwise
integer(c_long) strlen
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: P
end function strlen
end interface
integer :: i, n
character, pointer :: c(:)
n = strlen(s)
call c_f_pointer ( s, c, [n] )
write ( *, '(a)', advance='no' ) 'Now in fortfun, received "'
do i = 1, n
write ( *, '(a)', advance='no' ) c(i)
end do
write ( *, '(a)' ) '"'
end subroutine fortfun
subroutine AnotherFun ( c ) bind(C,name='More_Fun')
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_null_char
character, intent(in) :: c(*)
integer :: i
i = 0
write ( *, '(a)', advance='no' ) 'Now in AnotherFun, received "'
i = i + 1
if ( c(i) == c_null_char ) exit
write ( *, '(a)', advance='no' ) c(i)
end do
write ( *, '(a)' ) '"'
end subroutine AnotherFun
subroutine ArrayFun ( c, rank, dims ) bind(C)
#if (defined LONG)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer, c_int, me=>c_long, c_ptr
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer, c_int, me=>c_int, c_ptr
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: C
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: Rank
integer(me), intent(in) :: Dims(*)
integer(me), pointer :: Rank1(:), Rank2(:,:) ! C_INT or C_LONG integer
integer, pointer :: R1(:), R2(:,:) ! Default integer
if ( me == kind(0) ) then
print '(a)', 'In ArrayFun, same kinds'
select case ( rank )
case ( 1_c_int )
call c_f_pointer ( c, rank1, dims(1:rank) )
print '(6i3)', rank1
case ( 2_c_int )
call c_f_pointer ( c, rank2, dims(1:rank) )
print '(3i3)', rank2
end select
print '(a)', 'In ArrayFun, different kinds'
select case ( rank )
case ( 1_c_int )
call c_f_pointer ( c, rank1, dims(1:rank) )
allocate ( r1(dims(1)) )
r1 = rank1
print '(6i3)', r1
deallocate ( r1 )
case ( 2_c_int )
call c_f_pointer ( c, rank2, dims(1:rank) )
allocate ( r2(dims(1),dims(2)) )
r2 = rank2
print '(3i3)', r2
deallocate ( r2 )
end select
end if
end subroutine ArrayFun
end module fortmodule
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