(j3.2006) FW: Urgent: GB39

john.reid at stfc.ac.uk john.reid
Wed Oct 12 07:43:07 EDT 2011

From: Malcolm Cohen [malcolm at nag-j.co.jp]
Sent: 12 October 2011 01:18
To: Reid, John (STFC,RAL,CSE)
Subject: Re: Urgent: GB39

Another wording thing:

  "If the invoked procedure is a C function, the C code within the procedure
shall construct a contiguous copy."

is not very well worded - and it is unnecessary to require it to actually make a
copy, it just needs to be prepared to handle the discontiguous case.

Therefore something more like

  "If the invoked procedure is a C function, the C function shall be prepared to
handle the situation of receiving a discontiguous argument."

(If we can say "handle this" in the previous sentence, we can say it here.)

  "If the invoked procedure is a C function, the C descriptor may describe the
original noncontiguous actual argument rather than a contiguous copy thereof."

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.

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