(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4563) WG5 letter ballot 2 on Fortran 2008 interpretations
John Reid
Fri Oct 7 05:22:19 EDT 2011
Here is the preliminary result of the second WG5 interps ballot. However
many yes votes we get subsequently, those with the preliminary result N
are likely to be N in the final rssult, too, so it would be helpful if
J3 works on them next week.
Malcolm says he is desperately busy with a work deadline and has asked
for a longer extension. I am hoping to interact with him by email re the
interop TS next week and do not want the interps to be competing for his
time. I have therefore decided to extend the vote by another week to
make the new deadline
0900 UK time on Wednesday, 19 October 2011
This is definitely the last extension.
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