(j3.2006) Attributes of a function

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Sun May 8 20:18:46 EDT 2011

>5.1p2 says that a function has a type, type parameters and rank, and may have 
>other attributes.  It goes on to say that the type, type parameters, and rank 
>are those of its result variable.  What about the "other attributes?"  Are the 
>"other attributes" of a function those of its result variable?

Any other attributes it might have will be explained elsewhere, this sentence 
means exactly what it says and no more.

For example, a function is not allocatable even if its result variable is. 
Example 2, a function with the POINTER attribute is a functionpointer and this 
is orthogonal to whether its result has the POINTER attribute.  Example 3, a 
function can be RECURSIVE but that doesn't mean that the result is recursive.

I'm sure we can all come up with further examples.

Finally, a function is a procedure, and that attribute is usually not shared by 
the result entity (it's certainly never possessed by a result "variable"!).

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo. 

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