(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4449) AW: PDTR on Further Interoperability
Bill Long
Thu May 5 11:26:00 EDT 2011
On 5/5/11 10:11 AM, John Reid wrote:
> Bader, Reinhold wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, May 1st has passed and we are not ready for a 3-week informal
>>> WG5 ballot (item 3). Bill and I think that we need to abandon this plan. Instead,
>>> Bill proposes a new plan:
>>> 1. By 13 May, Bill constructs a new draft that includes all the edits arising from
>>> our ballot that he believes are likely to achieve consensus.
>>> 2. The new draft is reviewed by the interop. email group until the end of May.
>>> 3. By the beginning of June, Bill constructs a draft for use as the base document
>>> at the Garching meeting.
>> This would be the consensus draft resulting from the review in 2, I assume?
> Yes.
>> Any contentious items then would be processed in step 4 via the usual paper
>> submission procedure? It might be useful to somewhat extend the usual
>> deadline for paper submission from 2 to 1 week before the meeting.
> Thanks for pointing this out. Dan is try hard to stop a flood of papers being
> written at the last minute. I think it would be better to move steps 2 and 3
> forward by a few days to make the draft available for 4 weeks before the meeting:
While getting a flood of papers on the day before the meeting is
problematic, I would rather have someone send a paper to the server a
week before the meeting rather than holding it until after the meeting
starts. So I would not be opposed, as a general policy, to changing the
paper deadline to 1 week before the meeting start.
> 1. By 13 May, Bill constructs a new draft that includes all the edits arising
> from our ballot that he believes are likely to achieve consensus.
> 2. The new draft is reviewed by the interop. email group until May 26.
> 3. By 30 May, Bill constructs a draft for use as the base document at the
> Garching meeting.
> 4. The PDTR is constructed and approved during the meeting and the PDTR formal
> starts soon afterwards.
> Is this OK, Bill?
> Regards,
> John.
Bill Long longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9142
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