(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4446) PDTR on Further Interoperability

John Reid John.Reid
Thu May 5 10:13:37 EDT 2011


This is what I said on 4 April re the TR on Further Interoperability:
> Well, to avoid eventual cancellation, we must move faster. Here is an 
> alternative plan and I think it is better.
> 1. Bill creates a new draft by the end of this week that includes all 
> the items that do not need discussion.
> 2. The interop. email group takes ownership for 3 weeks to hash out the 
> other issues and create a new pdf by 1 May.
> 3. We have a 3-week informal WG5 ballot on whether this new version is 
> ready for PDTR ballot.
> 4. Bill creates a further new draft based on comments and the interop. 
> email group checks it.
> 5a. If we have reached consensus, the PDTR ballot starts in late May or 
> very early in June. The goal would be to get enough PDTR feedback before 
> the meeting to create a tentative DTR for issue after the PDTR ballot 
> finishes.
> 5b. Otherwise, we work hard before and at the meeting to reach consensus 
> and start the PDTR ballot soon afterwards. The "base document" at this 
> point will be the version created in step 4.

Unfortunately, May 1st has passed and we are not ready for a 3-week informal WG5 
ballot (item 3). Bill and I think that we need to abandon this plan. Instead, 
Bill proposes a new plan:

1. By 13 May, Bill constructs a new draft that includes all the edits arising 
from our ballot that he believes are likely to achieve consensus.

2. The new draft is reviewed by the interop. email group until the end of May.

3. By the beginning of June, Bill constructs a draft for use as the base 
document at the Garching meeting.

4. The PDTR is constructed and approved during the meeting and the PDTR formal 
starts soon afterwards.

Note that this is essentially the fallback position in 5b above.

It is very important to create the PDTR by the end of the Garching meeting. 
Without this, eventual cancellation of the project is quite likely. No further 
extensions are allowed.

I need to revise the announcement and agenda for the Garching meeting, since the 
primary objective is now the construction of the PDTR rather than reviewing the 
PDTR Ballot comments. New documents are attached.


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