(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4509) PDTR out for vote

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Wed Jul 20 14:55:43 EDT 2011

On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 11:05 -0700, John Reid wrote:
> Van Snyder:       2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.

> [16:5]
> Replace "accessed" by "referenced".

This edit was not incorporated.  According to the draft C1x standard
(n1547 3.1p1 -- "access" was not a defined term in (draft) C9x, at least
not in n869) "access" means "<execution-time action> to read or modify
the value of an object."  NOTE 1 to that definition says "Where only one
of these two actions is meant, ??read?? or ??modify?? is used".  So
"accessed" is wrong.  In the Fortran standard, we'd write "referenced."
In C-speak, the (draft) C standard (n1847) says "read" is correct.  As
it stands, the list item prevents modifying the object before a value is
given to it.  Hmmm.

> [18:19]
> Replace "base" by "C" or insert "C" before "base".

Not done.  If not "C address of the object" or "C base address of the
object", perhaps "C address of the base of the object", or something
else to make it clear that "base address" is a C address.

> [20:14]
> Insert either "Fortran" or "C" before "subscripts" ([21:5] suggests
> "C").

Not done.  Does the lower_bound member specify C or Fortran subscripts?
There is a significant difference!

> [20:17]
> Replace "be" by "not be less than" or "be greater than or equal to".

In other places (I don't remember where) the arrays are allowed to be
larger than the rank.  Why not here?

> [20:18]
> Insert either "Fortran" or "C" before "subscripts" ([21:5] suggests
> "C").

See comment on [20:14]

> [20:21]
> Replace "be" by "not be less than" or "be greater than or equal to".

See comment on [20:17]

> [20:24]
> Insert either "Fortran" or "C" before "subscripts" ([21:5] suggests
> "C").

See comment on [20:14]

> [20:25]
> Replace "be" by "not be less than" or "be greater than or equal to".

See comment on [20:17]

> [21:24-25 p.3.5.8p2] Replace "base" by "C" or insert "C" before "base"
> at least the first time, and maybe thrice.

See comment on [18:19]

> [22:23]
> Insert "Fortran subscripts for the" or "C subscripts for the" before
> "lower bounds".

See comment on [20:14]

> [26:15 6.4p5 C407b]
> Replace "intrinsic and" by "intrinsic or".

Not done.  None of the listed functions are both intrinsic functions and
intrinsic module functions.

> [28:5-6 6.7p2]
> It is also a characteristic that these rank, shape, size, type, or
> type
> parameters are not assumed.  The sentence ought to be "Whether a rank,
> shape, size, type, or type parameter is assumed or deferred is a
> characteristic."

Not done.

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