(j3.2006) IR F08/0048: element of array coarray as actual argument

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Tue Jul 19 23:51:52 EDT 2011

Tobias Burnus asked:
>I would like to know the status of IR F08/0048.

The status is that it is back to square one, as it did not achieve consensus on 
the ballot.

> Are there plans to bring up the topic again?

It remains an open interpretation request.  Unfortunately we have a long list of 
them, including one that predates Fortran 95!  They all have to be answered... 
this does not seem to be the most important one to answer quickly.

(We are actually making progress on reducing the backlog of the interpretation 
requests, but it is certainly a case of two steps forwards one step backwards.)

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo. 

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