(j3.2006) 11-229 J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #24 - due 19-Aug-2011
Whitlock, Stan
Tue Jul 19 11:18:08 EDT 2011
To: J3 Members
From: Stan Whitlock
Subject: J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #24 - due 19-Aug-2011
Date: 2011 July 18
Enclosed in the next letter ballot on Fortran interpretations.
The rules by which we operate say:
o J3 votes on the answer at a J3 meeting; a simple majority
vote marks the answer as "passed by J3 meeting".
o Between J3 meetings the chair of /interp sends a J3 letter
ballot to J3 to approve interp answers that have been "passed
by J3 meeting". The letter ballot runs for 30 days. Not
voting on three of four consecutive J3 letter ballots is
grounds to terminate J3 membership. An interp answer passes
by a 2/3rds vote; a no vote must be accompanied by an
explanation of the changes necessary to change the member's
vote to yes.
J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for
more study even if the answer passes.
20 Fortran interpretations are currently "Passed by J3 meeting" after
J3 meeting #195. This is the letter ballot phase to go from "Passed
by J3 meeting" to "Passed by J3 letter ballot".
The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted:
Yes No Number Title
--- --- F03/0017 Dummy procedure pointers and PRESENT
--- --- F03/0018 Multiple identical specific procedures in
type-bound generic
--- --- F03/0019 Multiple identical specific procedures in
generic interface blocks
--- --- F03/0021 What kind of token is a stop code?
--- --- F03/0046 Unlimited polymorphic pointers in common blocks
--- --- F03/0053 The BIND attribute for C_PTR and C_FUNPTR
--- --- F03/0065 Relational equivalence
--- --- F03/0084 IEEE_SET_ROUNDING_MODE in a subroutine
--- --- F03/0103 Restrictions on dummy arguments not present for
polymorphic type or parameterized derived type
--- --- F03/0116 indistinguishable specifics for a generic
interface with use association
--- --- F03/0118 Are lower bounds of assumed-shape arrays assumed?
--- --- F03/0120 When are parameterized sequence types the same type?
--- --- F08/0055 G editing for reals
--- --- F08/0056 Non-polymorphic ALLOCATE with polymorphic SOURCE=
--- --- F08/0057 Interoperability with empty types
--- --- F08/0058 ENTRY point RESULT variable
--- --- F08/0059 Auto-targetting requirements
--- --- F08/0060 Procedure pointer assignment with an EXTERNAL target
--- --- F08/0061 Description of the CONTIGUOUS attribute misworded?
--- --- F08/0062 Mixing default initialization with DATA
The text of these interpretations is attached. Each interpretation
starts with a row of "-"s.
Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes
column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no"
answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send only the
above text {not this entire mail message} with any comments to
j3 at j3-fortran.org
by 11:59:59PM, PDT, Friday, 19-Aug-2011, in order to be counted.
Thanks /Stan
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