(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4486) Vote of draft PDTR

John Reid John.Reid
Thu Jul 7 07:02:51 EDT 2011


I attach the following documents, which I hope will also be available on 
the WG5 website later today.

1865 Documentation of changes between N1854 and N1866 (Long)
1866 TR 29113 working draft - (Long) - supersedes N1854
1867 WG5 letter ballot on N1866 (Reid)

N1867 is the one-week letter ballot that we decided to hold on whether 
the draft TR, with all the changes agreed in Garching, is ready for 
forwarding as a PDTR.

Thank you, Bill, for processing this in a timely fashion. He says "It 
would be nice to have people make comments as soon as possible, since I 
will be flying all day July 13, and do not know what sort of internet 
access I'll have at a conference starting July 14.  (My past experience 
with this conference has been good, but nothing is sure.)  In any event, 
I will have less free time than usual."



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