(j3.2006) C1x standard
Bill Long
Fri Dec 23 00:49:54 EST 2011
On 12/22/11 5:40 PM, Van Snyder wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-12-22 at 09:36 -0800, Bill Long wrote:
>> On 12/22/11 4:20 AM, Van Snyder wrote:
>>> I am contending that it is not unusual to want to pass a string gotten
>>> using get_command_argument to a BIND(C) procedure that has a kind c_char
>>> argument, since that's the only character kind the standard provides for
>>> interoperability.
>> Remember that the only Fortran character that is interoperable with C is
>> KIND=c_char AND LEN=1.
> I thought the TS was going to eliminate the LEN=1 restriction. I guess
> I wasn't paying close enough attention to the TS to notice that this
> restriction hadn't been eliminated. Why does it remain?
The LEN=1 restriction does not apply if the argument is passed by
descriptor. How else do you propose that the length should be
communicated to the C function? If the C side formal parameter is
coded as an array of characters, and not as a "string", then it will be
OK. But I suspect none of the routines you want to call are like that.
> This is a bit weird, in light of
Applies to Fortran - Fortran calls. C does not have a data type
analogous to Fortran character with len > 1.
> I don't have a POSIX standard handy, but many of the POSIX-compliant
> routines I find in my "man" pages want a "char" argument. One of these
> is "open," which I had to use because Fortran I/O didn't work for the
> device my program needed to talk to (I had to invoke "select" before
> "read"). I suppose I could have just converted my 1/3 million lines of
> Fortran to C to avoid this problem. Silly me, I thought 50 lines of C
> would be simpler.
Checking the man page for pxfopen, I see some arguments of type
character. Certainly this is Fortran default character, since these
interfaces are from the f77 era when there was no other kind.
> Many HDF and HDFEOS routines, which I'm required to use, have "char"
> arguments for things like group names and dataset names. I haven't
> figured out how to replace them with action tokens. I suppose I could
> explain to people who use my software that they can't put these things
> on the command line because Fortran doesn't allow me to send
> command-line arguments to C functions. They'll just laugh and point
> fingers and say "You Idiot! Why are you using Fortran in the first
> place? Don't you know that Eisenhower is no longer President?"
Not clear how this matters if you are using the Fortran interfaces to
the HDF library.
>> I'm not convinced that the case you found is sufficient motivation to
>> change the standard, especially since it would only reduce, and not
>> eliminate, the conversion work that the programmer is required to do anyway.
> The standard could eliminate the other conversion work. I had been
> operating under the assumption, which I should have checked long ago,
> that the TS was going to eliminate the len=1 restriction, which you used
> to justify doing the other impossible-to-future-proof conversion work.
> Why do we have the restriction to len=1? I can't imagine that a
> constant len other than len=1 would require a descriptor.
Because it requires the length to be passed somehow. A very long time
ago we rejected the "hidden argument" scheme that some Fortran compilers
use internally. Such a scheme would not help in your desire to interact
with C functions not written to expect these extra arguments. The
descriptors provide a solution.
Bill Long longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9142
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