(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4606) Corrigendum 1

Bader, Reinhold Reinhold.Bader
Tue Dec 13 03:22:19 EST 2011

On 11/15/11 4:22 AM, John Reid wrote:

Please answer the following question "Is N1893, with the references and notes removed, acceptable for submission to SC22 for publication as Corrigendum 1 for Fortran 2008?" in one of these ways.

1) Yes.
2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
3) No, for the following reasons.
4) Abstain.

This is an individual vote. Please send your vote to sc22wg5 at open-std.org<mailto:sc22wg5 at open-std.org> to arrive by 9 a.m. (UK time) on December 13, 2011.

4) Abstain

Sorry, I could not find any time to review the Corrigendum


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