(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4602) Corrigendum 1

Bill Long longb
Mon Dec 12 18:28:08 EST 2011

On 11/15/11 4:22 AM, John Reid wrote:

Please answer the following question "Is N1893, with the references and
notes removed, acceptable for submission to SC22 for publication as
Corrigendum 1 for Fortran 2008?" in one of these ways.

1) Yes.
2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
3) No, for the following reasons.
4) Abstain.

This is an individual vote. Please send your vote to sc22wg5 at open-std.org
to arrive by 9 a.m. (UK time) on December 13, 2011.

2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.

Comment 1: This is not a comment on David's work, but rather an 
observation of something that might have been overlooked.  In the edits 
for [76:10-] para 9 of is moved to the beginning of the 
subclause.  But the Note 4.49, which naturally refers to that paragraph 
did not get moved.  Should it have been moved as well, or put at the end 
of the subclause as is often done with notes?  The Note now seems out of 

Comment 2: Edit citation [246:15] should have been [246:15+].

Note that neither of these comments needs to be addressed for the 
Corrigendum to pass.  The first concerns the placement of a Note that 
can easily be addressed in the next revision.  The second relates to 
text that will be deleted before sending to ISO. These are for 
consideration mainly if other comments require changes.


Bill Long                                           longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support    &                 voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development            fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc./Cray Plaza, Suite 210/380 Jackson St./St. Paul, MN 55101

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