(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4355) How many Fortran programmers are there?
Keith Bierman
Wed Nov 17 17:10:08 EST 2010
exp(pi**e)*10000 ?
While I can understand why a Marketing group, or an executive thinking of
funding (or not funding) some compiler project might need this number, of
what possible import is it to *standards*?
As long as there are at least two compiler vendors, having a Standard so as
to provide a good legal foundation for colloboration to ensure portability
of programs would seem to be a sound policy. This translates to as long as
people show up to committee meetings, it's a worthwhile effort ;>
Or are the powers that be trying to minimize the number of Standards based
on some constraint?
Keith Bierman
khbkhb at gmail.com
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-11-17 at 13:54 -0800, John Reid wrote:
> > WG5,
> >
> > I have been asked if I can estimate how many Fortran programmers there
> are. Does
> > anyone have any thoughts?
> 1. Multiply the number of distinct names posting to comp.lang.fortran
> by some random number you pull out of your hat.
> 2. Ask vendors how many licenses they sell. Multiply that by a
> different random number you pull out of your hat to account for floating
> licenses and piracy. Add yet another random number to account for GNU
> fortran users.
> > John.
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