(j3.2006) [Fwd: [SC-TAGs] November 2010 JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions - Belfast, Northern Ireland - JTC 1 N 10407]

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Tue Nov 16 16:28:50 EST 2010

Resolution 31 might be of interest to us:

        JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to forward document N 10275 to
        SWG?Directives for consideration at its February 2011 meeting in

        In addition, JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to issue a call for
        additional National Body and Subcommittee contributions
        concerning the inclusion of additional file formats for
        submission of ballot comments via the committee internal
        balloting system. Comments submitted by 15 January 2011 will be
        forwarded to the SWG?Directives for consideration at its
        February 2011 meeting in Paris.

N10275 was from Canada.  It noted that ISO's IT department unilaterally
decided that only Microsoft Word format could be used for submitting
ballot comments, while ISO/IEC JTC 1 standing document EDPDA agreed
additional formats.

Resolution 43 might be of interest to us:

JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to request the ITTF to make the
following document available at
no cost as it meets the previously established ISO and IEC criteria (JTC
1 N 7604):

      * ISO/IEC TR 24772, Programming languages ? Guidance to avoiding
        vulnerabilities in programming languages through language
        selection and use (as per JTC 1 N10302), since it meets
        criterion 8.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Garner, Jennifer <jgarner at itic.org>
To: eb at standards.incits.org <eb at standards.incits.org>
Cc: sc-tags at standards.incits.org <sc-tags at standards.incits.org>
Subject: [SC-TAGs] November 2010 JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions - Belfast,
Northern Ireland - JTC 1 N 10407
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 13:11:38 -0800



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To the INCITS Executive Board:



JTC 1 N 10407 ? Resolutions Adopted at the 25th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC
1, 8-13 November 2010 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, has been posted to
the JTC 1 Coordination Register (http://www.incits.org/j1ndocs.htm):



JTC 1 N 10407      15 Nov 2010
Resolutions Adopted at the 25th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 8 - 13
November 2010 in Belfast, Northern Ireland  
For information



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JTC 1 Closing Date 

Document Title 


Requested Action 

Date Due to JTC 1 TAG Administrator 


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documents are to be used solely for the purposes of development of a US
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documents cannot be resold, copied or reproduced in any form for any
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JTC 1 Coordination Register





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