(j3.2006) [Fwd: [SC-TAGs] FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT: Notification of ISO/IEC/FDIS 60559 using the Fast Track Procedure by 12/10/10]

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Fri Nov 12 14:28:49 EST 2010

Does anybody care to comment on the FDIS for IEEE arithmetic?


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Spittle, Deborah <dspittle at itic.org>
To: sc-tags at standards.incits.org <sc-tags at standards.incits.org>
Cc: M.Zaman at ieee.org <M.Zaman at ieee.org>
60559 using the Fast Track Procedure by 12/10/10
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 08:26:27 -0800

Dear US TAGs ?


The following FDIS using the Fast Track procedure, is being distributed
for your review and comments.


ISO/IEC FDIS 60559, Information technology ? Microprocessor Systems ?
Floating-Point arithmetic




 (Username:   reference / Password:  doc$)


If you have comments on this document, please submit them to the
responsible US TAG, Ms. Malia Zaman (M.Zaman at ieee.org), SC25/WG4
Microprocessor TAG, by December 10, 2010 for the TAG?s consideration in
determining the US recommendation to INCITS EB.


Please note that this is a copyrighted document:


"Permission is granted by ANSI to electronically reproduce this draft
International Standard for the purpose of review and comment related to
the preparation of the U.S. position, provided this notice is included.
All other rights are reserved."



Regards ?


Deborah J. Spittle


Deborah J Spittle

Associate Manager, INCITS Standards Operations

INCITS/Information Technology Industry Council

1101 K Street NW  Suite 610

Washington DC  20005

T:  202-626-5746

E:  dspittle at itic.org

W:  www.INCITS.org





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