(j3.2006) J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #21 - due 30-Jul-2010

Whitlock, Stan stan.whitlock
Thu Jun 24 13:40:46 EDT 2010


To:        J3 Members
From:      Stan Whitlock
Subject:   J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #21 - due 30-Jul-2010
Date: 2010 June 24

Enclosed in the next letter ballot on Fortran interpretations.

The rules by which we operate say:

    o   J3 votes on the answer at a J3 meeting; a simple majority
        vote marks the answer as "passed by J3 meeting".

    o   Between J3 meetings the chair of /interp sends a J3 letter
        ballot to J3 to approve interp answers that have been "passed
        by J3 meeting".  The letter ballot runs for 30 days.  Not
        voting on three of four consecutive J3 letter ballots is
        grounds to terminate J3 membership.  An interp answer passes
        by a 2/3rds vote;  a no vote must be accompanied by an
        explanation of the changes necessary to change the member's
        vote to yes.

        J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for
        more study even if the answer passes.

39 Fortran interpretations are currently "Passed by J3 meeting" after
J3 meeting #192.  This is the letter ballot phase to go from "Passed
by J3 meeting" to "Passed by J3 letter ballot".

A yes vote on the an interp that is marked "subsumed by ..." means
you agree that is subsumed by the indicated interp and no more
processing is needed on the subsumed interp.

The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted:

Yes  No   Number     Title

---  ---  F08/0001   Generic resolution with pointer dummy arguments
---  ---  F08/0002   Are assumed- or deferred-shape objects allowed in
---  ---  F08/0003   Is a disassociated pointer allowed as an actual
                            DIM argument?
---  ---  F08/0004   Is TARGET argument of ASSOCIATED a pointer or
                            nonpointer dummy?
---  ---  F08/0005*  optional arguments and ASSOCIATED - subsumed by
---  ---  F08/0006   generic resolution with banned argument
---  ---  F08/0007   Can zero have more than one bit sequence
---  ---  F08/0008   IEEE exceptions for intrinsic functions
---  ---  F08/0009   Is ABS ever required to be the optional IEC
                            60559 abs?
---  ---  F08/0010   deallocating objects that are associated with
                            other objects
---  ---  F08/0011   How many times are constructed values finalized?
---  ---  F08/0012*  Are constants finalized? - subsumed by F08/0011
---  ---  F08/0013   How does finalization interact with allocatable
---  ---  F08/0014   Finalizing assignment to vector-subscripted
---  ---  F08/0015   IMPLICIT
---  ---  F08/0016   Can a vector-subscripted argument become undefined?
---  ---  F08/0017   Elemental subroutine restrictions
---  ---  F08/0018   Impure elemental restrictions
---  ---  F08/0019   Transformational Bessel functions
---  ---  F08/0020   FINDLOC and logical arguments
---  ---  F08/0021   STORAGE_SIZE and unlimited polymorphic
---  ---  F08/0022   DO CONCURRENT and file i/o
---  ---  F08/0023   DO CONCURRENT and POINTER
---  ---  F08/0024   Dummy arguments of impure elemental procedures
---  ---  F08/0025   DO CONCURRENT and ALLOCATABLE
---  ---  F08/0026   DO CONCURRENT and output interleaving
---  ---  F08/0027   ATOMIC_REF example
---  ---  F08/0028   Does a procedure reference cause loop termination?
---  ---  F08/0029   G0 edit descriptor and floating-point output
---  ---  F08/0030   Unlimited format repeat effects
---  ---  F08/0031   PURE INTENT(OUT) finalization
---  ---  F08/0032   PURE FUNCTION result finalization
---  ---  F08/0033   PURE polymorphic finalization
---  ---  F08/0034   ELEMENTAL INTENT(OUT) finalization
---  ---  F08/0035   Maximum value for SHIFT argument to SHIFTL
                            and SHIFTR
---  ---  F08/0036   NORM2 example in Annex C
---  ---  F08/0038   Are pointless restrictions on DIM arguments
---  ---  F08/0039   Many-one vector subscript usage

The text of these interpretations is attached.  Each interpretation
starts with a row of "-"s.

Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes
column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no"
answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send only the
above text {not this entire mail message} with any comments to

        j3 at j3-fortran.org

by 11:59:59PM, PDT, Friday, 30-Jul-2010, in order to be counted.

Thanks                         /Stan
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