(j3.2006) J3 m192 - papers passed and new 10-006Ar2

Whitlock, Stan stan.whitlock
Fri Jun 18 13:02:22 EDT 2010

Dan - please put the attached 10-006Ar2 in the m192 web directory.  Thanks

Bill Long created a new m192 paper {read-only} so the m192 minutes will be 10-198
in the m192 directory after I get the final paper list from Dan.

Below is the list of papers and interps that passed.


0. List of papers passed at meeting #192

   This is a list of the paper numbers that passed at meeting
   #192, including interpretations.  The reference is to the
   latest revision on the J3 server after the meeting, not to
   the actual revision that was voted upon.  The motions below
   reference the actual revision voted upon.

     10-147r2E    10-147r3     10-175r1     10-185r1
     10-148r1     10-162r2     10-176r1     10-186r2
     10-149r2     10-163r2     10-177r1     10-187r1
     10-150r2E    10-167r1     10-178r2     10-188r1
     10-153r2     10-168r1     10-179r2     10-189r1
     10-154r2     10-169r1     10-180r2     10-190
     10-155r3     10-170r1     10-181r1     10-191r1
     10-156r3     10-171       10-182r1     10-192r1
     10-157r2     10-172r2     10-183r1     10-194r1
     10-158r1     10-173r1     10-184r1     10-195
     10-160r2     10-174r1

     E edits for 10-008

   There were 39 new interpretations created at this meeting.  The
   highest numbered existing interp is F08/0039.

   The interpretations passed by this meeting were:

     F08/0001 == 10-145r1     F08/0014 == 10-161r2     F08/0027 == 10-177r1
     F08/0002 == 10-146r1     F08/0015 == 10-162r2     F08/0028 == 10-178r2
     F08/0003 == 10-148r1     F08/0016 == 10-163r2     F08/0029 == 10-179r2
     F08/0004 == 10-149r2     F08/0017 == 10-167r1     F08/0030 == 10-180r2
     F08/0005 == 10-152  +    F08/0018 == 10-168r1     F08/0031 == 10-181r1
     F08/0006 == 10-153r2     F08/0019 == 10-169r1     F08/0032 == 10-182r1
     F08/0007 == 10-154r2     F08/0020 == 10-170r1     F08/0033 == 10-183r1
     F08/0008 == 10-155r3     F08/0021 == 10-171       F08/0034 == 10-184r1
     F08/0009 == 10-156r3     F08/0022 == 10-172r2     F08/0035 == 10-185r1
     F08/0010 == 10-157r2     F08/0023 == 10-173r1     F08/0036 == 10-186r2
     F08/0011 == 10-158r1     F08/0024 == 10-174r1     F08/0037 == 10-188r1
     F08/0012 == 10-159r1*    F08/0025 == 10-175r1     F08/0038 == 10-187r1
     F08/0013 == 10-160r2     F08/0026 == 10-176r1     F08/0039 == 10-195

     + F08/0005 subsumbed by F008/0004
     * F08/0012 subsumed by F08/0011

0. List of papers passed at meeting #192

   This is a list of the paper numbers that passed at meeting
   #192, including interpretations.  The reference is to the
   latest revision on the J3 server after the meeting, not to
   the actual revision that was voted upon.  The motions below
   reference the actual revision voted upon.

     10-147r2E    10-147r3     10-175r1     10-185r1
     10-148r1     10-162r2     10-176r1     10-186r2
     10-149r2     10-163r2     10-177r1     10-187r1
     10-150r2E    10-167r1     10-178r2     10-188r1
     10-153r2     10-168r1     10-179r2     10-189r1
     10-154r2     10-169r1     10-180r2     10-190
     10-155r3     10-170r1     10-181r1     10-191r1
     10-156r3     10-171       10-182r1     10-192r1
     10-157r2     10-172r2     10-183r1     10-194r1
     10-158r1     10-173r1     10-184r1     10-195
     10-160r2     10-174r1

     E edits for 10-008

   There were 39 new interpretations created at this meeting.  The
   highest numbered existing interp is F08/0039.

   The interpretations passed by this meeting were:

     F08/0001 == 10-145r1     F08/0014 == 10-161r2     F08/0027 == 10-177r1
     F08/0002 == 10-146r1     F08/0015 == 10-162r2     F08/0028 == 10-178r2
     F08/0003 == 10-148r1     F08/0016 == 10-163r2     F08/0029 == 10-179r2
     F08/0004 == 10-149r2     F08/0017 == 10-167r1     F08/0030 == 10-180r2
     F08/0005 == 10-152  +    F08/0018 == 10-168r1     F08/0031 == 10-181r1
     F08/0006 == 10-153r2     F08/0019 == 10-169r1     F08/0032 == 10-182r1
     F08/0007 == 10-154r2     F08/0020 == 10-170r1     F08/0033 == 10-183r1
     F08/0008 == 10-155r3     F08/0021 == 10-171       F08/0034 == 10-184r1
     F08/0009 == 10-156r3     F08/0022 == 10-172r2     F08/0035 == 10-185r1
     F08/0010 == 10-157r2     F08/0023 == 10-173r1     F08/0036 == 10-186r2
     F08/0011 == 10-158r1     F08/0024 == 10-174r1     F08/0037 == 10-188r1
     F08/0012 == 10-159r1*    F08/0025 == 10-175r1     F08/0038 == 10-187r1
     F08/0013 == 10-160r2     F08/0026 == 10-176r1     F08/0039 == 10-195

     + F08/0005 subsumed by F008/0004
     * F08/0012 subsumed by F08/0011

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