(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4274) FW: ISO/IEC FDIS 1539-1

John Reid John.Reid
Wed Jun 9 09:30:32 EDT 2010


> Can you make these changes an resubmit?

The new document is visible here:


and an explanation of the changes made is here


I hope this will be OK.

Best wishes,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cook Richard [mailto:cook at iso.org] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 6:25 AM
> To: Marisa Peacock
> Cc: brannon at iso.org; 'Blandine Garcia'; John.Reid at stfc.ac.uk
> Subject: ISO/IEC FDIS 1539-1
> Dear Marisa
> Thank you for submitting ISO/IEC 1539-1 for FDIS ballot. I would like to
> request a few changes as ITTF has only a PDF file. Could you ask the
> project
> editor to make the following changes, then submit a new pdf to ITTF:
> 1. Correct roman page numbering so that the Contents begins on page iii.
> 2. Foreword, paragraph 6, third line: Change "and Technical" to "and the
> Technical".
> 3. Pages 40, 244, 438, 458, 466, 530, 584: Insert the text "(Blank
> page)" in
> the centre of the page.
> 4. Pages 585 onwards: Add the ISO/IEC copyright footer to each page.
> 5. Definitions 1.3.22, 1.3.23, 1.3.24, 1.3.25,, 1.3.76, 1.3.80:
> Delete the article (the/a) from the beginning of the definition.
> 6. If possible without affecting layout of subsequent pages, move the
> widowed lines at the top of the following pages to the previous page:
> 28,
> 66, 70, 81, 141, 160, 288, 303, 358, 427, 429, 443, 494, 508, 538, 539,
> 554,
> 557.
> 7. If possible without affecting layout of subsequent pages, move the
> orphaned lines at the bottom of the following pages to the next page:
> 105,
> 171, 174, 202, 219, 220, 221, 225, 265, 293, 304, 394, 432, 450, 474,
> 528,
> 560.
> Many thanks.
> Best regards
> Richard Cook
> -------------------------------
> Technical Programme Manager & Technical Editor
> Standards Department
> ISO Central Secretariat
> 1, chemin de la Voie Creuse
> P.O. Box 56
> CH-1211 Geneva 20
> Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
> Direct line +41 22 749 73 55
> Fax +41 22 749 73 49
> E-mail cook at iso.org <mailto:l at iso.org> 
> Web www.iso.org <blocked::blocked::http://www.iso.org/> 
> -------------------------------

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