(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4194) [ukfortran] f95 corrigendum 2

John Reid John.Reid
Thu Feb 25 08:39:44 EST 2010

Van Snyder wrote:
> Does anybody have F95 corrigendum 2 formatted for ISO?
> N1472 is the WG5 draft.  I think the ISO-formatted version is SC 22
> n3344, which apparently isn't in the database at isotc.iso.org any
> longer.

N1472 is good enough re technical content. The changes thereafter were to things 
like the header and footer. Also the removal of the references to line numbers 
and interp. numbers. I can send you the version I sent to ISO, which has this 
extra stuff removed.

> N1421 is WG5 draft corrigendum 1.  SC 22 n3194 is identified as
> corrigendum 1, but it's formatted as ISO wants, not as a WG5 draft.  I
> assume but don't know for sure that it is the same as N1421.

The same goes for this.


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