(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4178) [ukfortran] Responding to the FCD ballot
Malcolm Cohen
Thu Feb 11 19:57:32 EST 2010
Hi John,
> In collaboration with Bill Long, who will be chairing J3 in the absence of Dan
etc. etc.
It is my understanding that due to the J3 server being down since approximately
the 5th of February, that very few if any J3 members will have seen this message
(or indeed several other recent WG5 messages).
For that matter, those of us who didn't download the J3 papers on or before the
4th of February will be turning up with no meeting papers (other than the few
WG5 ones). I certainly have not reviewed any of them, and given that it is
already mid-morning on Friday here (GMT+9) I probably won't be able to print any
out before the meeting either.
Perhaps someone could ask John Wallin (I think it would be rather unfair to ask
Dan) if he could turn the J3 server back on or tell us if it is actually broken.
I don't have his email address anywhere I could find it without at least an hour
of searching.
................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.
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