(j3.2006) does move_alloc violate restrictions in

Jim Xia jimxia
Wed Oct 28 09:28:42 EDT 2009

Robert.Corbett at Sun.COM wrote on 10/28/2009 05:12:36 AM:

> The one case that does appear to be captured by the rule you cited is
> if the dummy arguments TO and FROM are associated with the same entity.
> That should be prohibited, and it is.

During the "allocation status transfer" process, it's highly likely that 
both FROM and TO are associated with the same entity at some point. That's 
when problems can happen.  To optimizers, there is no distinction between 
user defined procedures, compiler internal routines or intrinsic 

Also the word "reference" is used in the rule, which could be interpreted 
as when the "descriptor" is used during the transfer from FROM to TO.  I 
wouldn't believe you can transfer the allocatable without references to 
themselves first.


Jim Xia

XL Fortran Compiler Test
IBM Toronto Lab at 8200 Warden Ave, Markham, On, L6G 1C7
Phone (905) 413-3444  Tie-line 313-3444
email: jimxia at ca.ibm.com
D2/YF7/8200 /MKM

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