(j3.2006) Fwd: [prog_lang] FW: [Chairs] IMPORTANT: INCITS 2010 Invoicing Schedule and Information
Dan Nagle
Wed Oct 7 05:38:57 EDT 2009
The forwarded is FYI: it shows INCITS
intended billing scheme for 2010.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Thomas Plum" <tplum at plumhall.com>
> Date: October 7, 2009 2:06:39 AM EDT
> To: "PL22" <prog_lang at standards.incits.org>
> Subject: [prog_lang] FW: [Chairs] IMPORTANT: INCITS 2010 Invoicing
> Schedule and Information
> From: Barra, Lynn [mailto:lbarra at itic.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 3:08 PM
> To: chairs at standards.incits.org
> Cc: Deutsch, Donald; Hughes, Jim; Wennblom, Philip; Wright, Don
> Subject: [Chairs] IMPORTANT: INCITS 2010 Invoicing Schedule and
> Information
> Importance: High
> To INCITS TC and TG Chairs ?
> It?s that time of year again and the INCITS Secretariat has started
> the process for generating invoices for 2010 participation. Note
> that the membership cycle begins on December 1, 2009 and ends
> November 30, 2010.
> In August, TC and TG Chairs were emailed a membership report of
> organizations and representatives on record for their committee.
> The Secretariat has received some updated information from you and/
> or directly from members. When invoices are issued, the principal
> contact that INCITS has on record is the individual who will receive
> the invoices (unless an organization has requested a separate
> designed billing point of contact).
> Beginning with the 2010 membership cycle, the automated features of
> the billing system will be used to issue invoices, reminder notices,
> final notices and sadly termination notices. The schedule is as
> follows:
> 1. October 29: The billing system will take a snapshot of each
> committee to generate invoices with existing information.
> 2. November 1: The 2010 invoices are emailed to the Principal
> representative (or to the designed billing contact).
> 3. December 1: A 30-day reminder notice to unpaid organizations
> is emailed to the Principal representative (or to the designed
> billing contact).
> 4. January 1: Final notices to unpaid organizations are emailed
> to the Principal representative (or to the designed billing
> contact). A summary of organizations that received a final notice
> will be emailed to TC/TG Chairs on January 4.
> 5. February 1: Memberships are deactivated if unpaid and
> cancellation notices are emailed to the Principal representative (or
> to the designed billing contact). If deactivated, organizations are
> welcome to re-establish participation in accordance with the INCITS/
> RD-2 and should contact the INCITS Secretariat. A summary of
> deactivated organizations will be emailed to TC/TG Chairs on
> February 2.
> Principal representatives should be reminded that if they do not
> receive an invoice, they should contact the Secretariat immediately.
> Maintaining membership is the responsibility of the member
> organization (Principal and Alternates). Purchase orders, contracts
> and agreements must be fully executed and received at the INCITS
> Secretariat before the February 1, 2010 deadline to ensure
> uninterrupted service. For purchase orders, contracts and
> agreements received after January 1, 2010, payment in full must be
> received within 60 days to avoid deactivation.
> Note to Chairs:
> Please ensure both Principal and Alternate members are aware of the
> above schedule of invoicing activities. Membership data can be
> provided upon request and changes can be submitted via email.
> - Committees already transitioned to ICMS - Chairs can log into
> ICMS and download their rosters for review and members can view and
> update their own participation or submit changes via email.
> - Committees not transitioned to ICMS - Chairs should contact
> the Secretariat for ICMS access to their rosters; membership changes
> can be submitted via email.
> Please contact the Secretariat any questions.
> Lynn Barra (lbarra at itic.org, 202-626-5739)
> Barbara Bennett (bbennett at itic.org, 202-626-5743)
> Serena Patrick (spatrick at itic.org, 202-626-5741)
> Debbie Spittle (dspittle at itic.org, 202-626-5746)
Dan Nagle
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