(j3.2006) procedure declaration and elementals

Bill Long longb
Fri Mar 13 19:18:13 EDT 2009

Van Snyder wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 11:44 -0700, Bill Long wrote:
>> I got this test case:
>> program f2003_procptr_1
>>   implicit none
>>   real      :: pi = 3.14159265
>>   intrinsic :: sin, cos
>>   procedure(sin), pointer :: p => NULL ()
>>   p => sin
>>   print *, "sin(0), sin(pi/2) =", p(0.0), p(pi/2)
>>   p => cos
>>   print *, "cos(0), cos(pi)   =", p(0.0), p(pi)
>> end program f2003_procptr_1
>> The procedure declaration statement appears to violate C1219 
>> (09-007:[291:26-27]).   What is the rationale for this constraint?  Is 
>> the code nonconforming?
> C732 prohibits a <proc-target> to be a nonintrinsic elemental procedure.
> says "<proc-target> may be an elemental intrinsic procedure
> even if <proc-pointer-object> is not elemental.

p4 of the same section says "If the characteristics of 
<proc-pointer-object> or <proc-target> are such that an explicit 
interface is required [which would include being elemental], both 
<proc-pointer-object> and <proc-target> shall have an explicit 
interface."  In particular, the interface for an intrinsic is always 
explicit, so any procedure pointer associated with an intrinsic  (if 
such an association were allowed) would have to have an explicit 
interface.   The way for a procedure pointer to have an explicit 
interface is for it to be declared in a procedure declaration 
statement.  So, if elemental procedure pointers are allowed at all, it 
would seem that a declaration like the one above has to be allowed.  
But....(see below).

> Notwithstanding, it appears, however, that C1219 prohibits
> elemental procedure pointers and elemental dummy procedures.  

Yes. That was my reading.  Given the similarity between procedure 
pointers and dummy procedures, it makes sense that they are treated the 

> I think
> instead of "shall specify an external procedure" it should have been
> "C1219 (R1215) If <proc-interface> describes an elemental procedure,
> <proc-entity-name> shall not be a <dummy-arg-name>."  There is nothing
> similar, however, concerning interface bodies, i.e., nothing like

Is there a reason for treating dummy procedures and procedure pointers 
differently here? 

> C1205a (R1205) An <interface-body> for a dummy procedure shall not
> describe an elemental procedure interface."
> While researching this, I came upon, which ends "...may be
> associated with a dummy procedure (which is prohibited from being
> elemental)."

Well spotted.   But the model for procedure pointers was dummy 
procedures.  If dummy procedures are not allowed to be elemental, then 
procedure pointers should not either.   This seems consistent with the 
wording at the beginning of 12.8.1 (09-007:318:3-4]):

"An elemental procedure is an elemental intrinsic procedure or a 
procedure that is defined by an elemental subprogram."   Neither a dummy 
procedure nor a procedure pointer is "defined by a ... subprogram".    
It seems that neither is allowed to be elemental.  (Which is consistent 
with the current C1219.)

So, at this point my conclusion is that the original program is not 
conforming because of the procedure declaration statement.  It also 
seems that an intrinsic elemental procedure cannot be the target of a 
procedure pointer.


> I couldn't find where dummy procedures are prohibited from being
> elemental (I looked at every occurrence of "elemental" in 09-007).  I'm
> confident we had something explicit at some time.  I also looked through
> 04-007 and couldn't find it.  If it actually has escaped, we need
> something like
> "C1255a (R1230) A <dummy-argument-name> shall not be the name of an
> elemental dummy procedure."
> which would be better than saying it twice, in C1205a and C1219.
>> Cheers,
>> Bill
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Bill Long                                   longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support    &              voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development         fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc., 1340 Mendota Heights Rd., Mendota Heights, MN, 55120


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