(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4021) New documents

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Mon Jun 22 21:49:37 EDT 2009

On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 18:39 -0700, Malcolm Cohen wrote:
> Hi folks,
> N1782, also known as J3/09-007r2, is now on the J3 member site in the
> Edit subdirectory.
> Note that this is the "approved technical content" document, not the
> draft FCD. The latter will come out of the next J3 meeting assuming all
> goes well.
> Available files are:
> 09-007r2.pdf.bz2 PDF 09-007r2, compressed with bzip2
> 09-007r2.ps.bz2 PostScript 09-007r2, compressed with bzip2

The file names on the server are 09-007r2.pdf.tbz and 09-007r2.ps.tbz.
When I uncompress them with bunzip2, they get changed to
09-007r2.pdf.tar and 09-007r2.ps.tar.  I have to strip off the .tar to
read the .pdf.

> Files of interest to very few:
> 007-20090623T000520.tbz TAR file of the sources for building 09-007r2,
> compressed with bzip2
> F2008-20090623T000520.tbz TAR file of the subversion repository,
> compressed with bzip2
> 09-011r2.txt Unresolved Technical Issue standing document.
> On the J3 web site there are also new papers of interest:
> 09-239 My editor's report
> 09-240 Changes to the UTI list
> As before, I suggest that we defer moving the 007 documents to their
> proper places for a week in case someone notices a significant error.
> Cheers,

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