(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4021) New documents

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Mon Jun 22 21:39:42 EDT 2009

Hi folks,

N1782, also known as J3/09-007r2, is now on the J3 member site in the
Edit subdirectory.

Note that this is the "approved technical content" document, not the
draft FCD. The latter will come out of the next J3 meeting assuming all
goes well.

Available files are:

09-007r2.pdf.bz2 PDF 09-007r2, compressed with bzip2
09-007r2.ps.bz2 PostScript 09-007r2, compressed with bzip2

Files of interest to very few:

007-20090623T000520.tbz TAR file of the sources for building 09-007r2,
compressed with bzip2
F2008-20090623T000520.tbz TAR file of the subversion repository,
compressed with bzip2
09-011r2.txt Unresolved Technical Issue standing document.

On the J3 web site there are also new papers of interest:

09-239 My editor's report
09-240 Changes to the UTI list

As before, I suggest that we defer moving the 007 documents to their
proper places for a week in case someone notices a significant error.

.................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.

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