(j3.2006) J3 meeting 186 - membership and interp status

Whitlock, Stan stan.whitlock
Sat Nov 15 15:55:39 EST 2008

Hi, J3,

I won't be at meeting 186 - Steve Lionel will be there representing Intel.

Bill Long - if you would be so kind as to volunteer to be J3 secretary, I will assemble the m186 minutes from your notes {please include J3 and WG5 actions in your notes} after the meeting.  Thanks

Membership report:

    Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 186       8
                                                                  Majority       5
                                                                  Quorum      4

      Members                  Alternates

      M. Ingrassia
      B. Long                    J. Brixius
      J. Martin                   M. Cohen
      D. Nagle                   J. Reid & J. Wallen
      C. Rasmussen        A. Donev & T. Moene
      V. Snyder
      S. Whitlock               L. Menard & S. Lionel
      J. Xia                        K. Li

 *   HP lost membership after meeting 185.
 *   Aleks Donev {used to be alternate for Dan Nagle} and Toon Moene are now alternates for Craig Rasmussen;  John Reid and John Wallin {that's not a change} are alternates for Dan Nagle.
 *   Have Dan and Craig informed INCITS of the changes in alternates?  I was told that they would not accept notice via our minutes.
 *   No one is in jeopardy of losing membership at the start of m186.
 *   If Jim Xia does not attend M186 {ie, if IBM is not somehow represented at m186}, IBM will be in jeopardy of losing membership at the end of m186.

/interp report:

 *   I'm putting together a new 08-006Ar4 - I should be able to send it to Dan at m186 by the start of Monday Tokyo time.
 *   The new 08-006Ar4 will contain
    *   reasons for NO votes from WG5 ballots N1617 and N1629
    *   includes m185 interps: submitted 118..124; passed 71, 112, 122
    *   includes interps passed by J3 letter ballot #17 {08-213/08-259}
 *   There are two interps in the m186 pre-meeting:
    *   Paper 08-281 is interp F03/0125
    *   Paper 08-84 is interp F03/0126
    *   Neither paper has the interp number embedded - Dan, please edit the accordingly - thanks
 *   Paper 08-006AT3  from m185 contains the interps (N1730) for F2003 Corrigendum #3 (N1727) - Dan, please make it a standing document to go along with the previous corrigenda - thanks

Good luck                                 /Stan

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