(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.3651) FW: Notes on WG5 coarray papers
Reid, JK John
Mon Nov 10 05:07:47 EST 2008
I don't think this ever reached you, so I am forwarding it now.
From: Reinhold Bader [mailto:bader-reinhold at t-online.de]
Sent: Thu 06/11/2008 23:16
To: sc22wg5 at open-std.org
Cc: Reid, JK (John)
Subject: Notes on WG5 coarray papers
I am attaching some comments on the recent coarray papers. Since John Reid may
already on his trip to Japan, I'd ask you to publish this as WG5 paper
N1756, as assigned by him.
Thanks, and best Regards
Dr. Reinhold Bader
Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Abt. Hochleistungssysteme | Tel. +49 89 35831 8825
Boltzmannstr. 1, 85748 Garching | Fax +49 89 35831 9700
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