(j3.2006) liaison with H2

Bill Long longb
Tue May 27 17:25:39 EDT 2008

It would appear that H2 has no interest in the current J3.  If they 
insist that Fortran ended in 1977, then perhaps we could try to find 
someone who was a member of x3j3  30 years ago and appoint them 
liaison.  Would any of the new emeritus members qualify?


Dan Nagle wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been in contact with the Chair of H2.
> In short, H2 would like to continue the liaison with J3,
> on the grounds of their Fortran binding.
> This binding has a number of properties that are not good,
> from a Fortran point of view:
> 1. It relies on a preprocessor and applies to fixed-format only.
> 2. It ignores interoperability with C, where C may have a more
>     up-to-date binding.
> 3. It ignores modules, which are the preferred means of specifying
>     a Fortran binding.
> 4. It ignores the object-oriented features of Fortran, which are
>     likely useful for database access.
> In light of the above, if H2 is unwilling to modernize
> their Fortran binding, I would like to end the liaison
> regardless of H2's preferences.  The binding is simply too obsolete
> for any future consideration, and refusal to modernize it
> implies, to me, a lack of interest.
> By "modernize" I mean "rewrite as an (optional) module".  Of course,
> I'm very open to other interpretations.  :-)
> Does anyone disagree?
> Does anyone know of an implementation of the SQL binding for Fortran?

Bill Long                                   longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support    &              voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development         fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc., 1340 Mendota Heights Rd., Mendota Heights, MN, 55120


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