(j3.2006) J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #17 - due 25-Jul-2008

Bill Long longb
Wed Jun 25 12:18:12 EDT 2008

Whitlock, Stan wrote:
> -C--  ---  F03/0112  attributes allowed for dummy arguments in defined
>                              assignments
> YES Comment on F03/0112 by Stan Whitlock:
> I do not agree with Bill Long and Dan Nagle that the discussion 
> contradicts
> the edit.  The discussion says:

I haven't voted yet, but...
>   "Such a restriction for the second argument has no effect since the 
> right
>    argument is treated as an expression enclosed in parentheses which 
> would
>    have neither attribute but it does no harm.  An edit is provided."

But this statement is false.  If the dummy has the allocatable attribute 
(which is what we're discussing),  and the actual does not have the 
allocatable attribute (as the sentence above correctly notes cannot be 
the case) then the result is a hard compile time error [269:15-16] "If 
the dummy argument is allocatable, the actual argument shall be 
allocatable...".  I don't understand how this qualifies as "does no harm".

The text should be more like "There should be a restriction that the 
second argument not have the ALLOCATABLE attribute. An edit is provided."


> I find that a satisfactory explanation.  But since there is some 
> confusion about
> our actions, I suggest we change that part of the discussion to 
> clarify what we're
>  doing:
>   "Such a restriction for the second argument has no effect since the 
> right
>    argument is treated as an expression enclosed in parentheses which 
> would
>    have neither attribute.  But such a restriction does no harm so an 
> edit to
>     state that restriction is provided."
> -Y--  ---  F03/0117  STOP executed via function in input/output list
> Thanks                                      /Stan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Bill Long                                   longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support    &              voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development         fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc., 1340 Mendota Heights Rd., Mendota Heights, MN, 55120


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