(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.3501) WG5/J3 08-006A current list of F2003 interpretations
Whitlock, Stan
Mon Jan 28 16:26:50 EST 2008
Attached please find the latest list of F2003 interpretations.
Dan - please add this file to the m183 pre-meeting.
Thanks /Stan
PS: Dan- could you please change the names of standing docs 016 and 017:
old title
new title
Completed Fortran 2003 Interpretations
F2003 Interpretations for Corrigendum 1
Interpretation Update Pages
F2003 Interpretations for Corrigendum 2
Outstanding Fortran Interpretations, January 28, 2008
Stan Whitlock for /interp
> see 05-015 == closed F95 interps
> see 05-016 == 05-006T1 of m173 for interps for F2003 Corr #1 N1636
> see 08-017 == 06-006T2r1 of m177 for interps for F2003 Corr #2 N1664
> includes interps passed by J3 letter ballot #13 {07-250r1/07-272}
> includes interps submitted at m181 {92..101} and passed
* includes interps passed by J3 letter ballot #14 {07-279/07-321}
* includes interps submitted at m182 {102..109} and passed
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