(j3.2006) Asymmetry of REAL, CMPLX intrinsics

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Mon Jan 7 16:20:28 EST 2008

If the argument of REAL is real and the KIND argument is not present,
the result kind is default real.

If the argument of REAL is complex and the KIND argument is not present
the result kind is the kind of the argument.

If the KIND argument of CMPLX is not present, the result kind is the
same as default real kind, no matter whether the X argument is real or

For symmetry, it would be helpful if the result kind of CMPLX were the
same as the X argument kind, if the X argument is real, and default real
kind if the X argument is complex.

It is probably too late to change this in 2008 (although I may submit a

Are you in favor of the change at some unspecified time, or do you
object to the change no matter when it's attempted?

Van Snyder                    |  What fraction of Americans believe 
Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov       |  Wrestling is real and NASA is fake?
Any alleged opinions are my own and have not been approved or
disapproved by JPL, CalTech, NASA, the President, or anybody else.

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