(j3.2006) collect emeritus info

Loren P Meissner lpmeissner
Fri Feb 22 11:41:10 EST 2008

Can someone remind me when this "emeritus" idea first came up (a year or so

And what is the advantage supposed to be, for someone so designated? Could I
attend a Fortran committee meeting and drink the coffee and eat the pastries
without paying? When I apply for a job (at my age???), could I write on my
resume that I am a highly respected member of the programming languages

If I attend a meeting could I vote? (Seems like this would be kinda
dangerous, cuz I'm pretty much out of touch with the language details
nowadays.) Or could I serve on a subcommittee or speak up at a meeting? (I
think I already can.)

Or was it so I could become a voting member by satisfying the usual
attendance requirements etc but WITHOUT paying a membership fee? But I
remember that the fee was pretty insignificant compared to all the travel
expenses involved in attending meetings - that's why I had to drop out
during most of the time I was at USF. Fee waiver might be worth something,
if I really liked taking lots of trips to Las Vegas or wherever. Might be
nice if one of my children was living near the place, so I could see my
grandkids more often. And take my 12-year-old grandson Karl to a few of the
meetings so he can see how some of the world's most important decisions are
actually made?

Sorry - I guess I'm getting cynical in my old age. Nowadays I feel pretty
good about most of what I've done in my life. But here's a ...

COUNTERPROPOSAL: The Fortran Committee could pass a resolution expressing
appreciation for the faithful service of long-time members. Well I think
they've always pretty much done this, whenever it was clear that a member
was actually retiring and not just drifting off into the sunset. In fact, I
may have had more than one "farewell party" in my honor, cuz I left the
committee several times. Just being put on a list of "emeriti nominees" is
something of an honor in itself. But an engraved scroll would look nice
hanging on my wall.

Meanwhile, best wishes to all present, past, and future members. The real
reward is to see that Fortran has not become obsolete, except in the brains
of some academic guys who don't know what's really going on. And everyone
who worked on the language standard has contributed to this continuing
non-obsolescence in one way or another.


-----Original Message-----
From: j3-bounces at j3-fortran.org [mailto:j3-bounces at j3-fortran.org] On Behalf
Of Keith Bierman
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 7:42 AM
To: fortran standards email list for J3
Subject: Re: (j3.2006) collect emeritus info

On Feb 22, 2008, at 6:53 AM, Jerry Wagener wrote:

> Hello all -


> I must have missed a note requesting info, but have seen Kurt's and

> Loren's replies. Strange that INCITS can't call this info up from

I believe they make a point of destroying records rather than  

retaining them ... and certainly they've never been very advanced  

about making databases ;

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