(j3.2006) a question on same_type_as and type parameters

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Thu Aug 28 14:44:21 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 10:09 -0400, Jim Xia wrote:
> The same question also applies to parameterized derived types as can
> be illustrated by the following example 
>     type t (k) 
>         integer, kind :: k 
>         real :: x(k) 
>     end type 
>     type (t(5)) a 
>     type (t(10)) b 
>     print *, same_type_as (a, b) 
>     end 

This one would clearly print T, according to the definition of
SAME_TYPE_AS.  In this case, one can reference the kind parameters of A
and B without getting at their dynamic types using SELECT TYPE

We're stuck with the current definition of SAME_TYPE_AS, unless we're
willing to make an incompatible change that probably wouldn't break any
existing codes.

We could provide a different function to answer SAME_TYPE_AND_KIND_AS,
and another one for length parameters and another one for both.
Alternatively, we could add optional KIND=<logical-expr> and
LEN=<logical-expr> arguments to SAME_TYPE_AS to check equality of KIND
and/or LEN parameters.  Maybe the arguments should be

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