(j3.2006) more on J32031 equivalence of circular types

Bill Long longb
Wed Aug 20 18:15:46 EDT 2008

I guess I don't see what part of the answer is not obvious here.  What 
part of f03: is ambiguous in the case?


Michael Ingrassia wrote:
> Here's a new test case, somewhat simpler than the one in the public comment. 
> Section doesn't seem to determine whether or not A and B have the same type,
> so I don't follow the claim in our response that the definition in paragraph 2
> is unambiguous.
>         MODULE FOO
> 	   TYPE(T), POINTER :: NEXT => NULL()
>         END TYPE T
>         TYPE(T) :: A
>         END MODULE FOO
>         MODULE BAR
>         TYPE T
> 	   TYPE(T), POINTER :: NEXT => NULL()
>         END TYPE T
>         TYPE(T) :: B
>         END MODULE BAR
>         USE FOO, ONLY : A
>         USE BAR, ONLY : B
> 	! Do A and B have the same type ?
> 	A = B
> 	END
> 	--Michael I.
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Bill Long                                   longb at cray.com
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