(j3.2006) 07-276r1

Aleksandar Donev donev1
Fri Sep 28 17:25:33 EDT 2007


Apparently Malcolm rejected the edit in 07-267r1:
  REJECTED.  The problem is not that procedures with dummy coarrays are
  interoperable, the problem is that coarrays are interoperable.  Make
  them noninteroperable and the existing wording which requires
  interoperable dummies would handle this already.  Therefore, fix the
  initial paragraphs of 15.3.5 and 15.3.6 (07-007r2:p487) instead."

We discussed this at the meeting (am not sure if Malcolm was there) and 
decided that we wanted co-arrays to be interoperable as local arrays. There 
is absolutely no reason to forbid, for example, C_LOC(co_array), and call C 
to do something with co_array, is there?

The words as they are, say that explicit-shape co-arrays are interoperable 
with C arrays. The co-rank simply does not matter. I think this is exactly 
what should be the case, which is why we did not edit 13.3.5/6.


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